Apps "In Review" for long time

I used to submit games and they were reviewed within a week's time till mid-2018 but since September, my games keep going to "In Review" status and stay in that status for ever.

I did try to cancel the submission and re-submit it, but every time, it goes to "In Review" within 24 hours and stays in same status for weeks. Its been at-least a month for 1 of my app and almost 3 weeks for another.

App Id's : 1437438165 , 1435726513

Any one else also facing similar issues?

Yes, cannot do anything may be they are busy with these things: 'Big Tech CEOs face grilling in Congress'
Hi Guys,

We have the same issue at the moment. We've been releasing a new version of our app weekly or biweekly for 3 years now but on our June 30, 2020 release, it got rejected as they required us to provide an option for Apple Sign In which we complied.

Since then, our app was stuck in 'In-Review' status. We tries to cancel the old build which was originally stuck in "In-Review" so as we can include new bug fixes and feature iterations but all the succeeding builds were also stuck in "In-Review". Last release was on July 30, 2020 and until now, August 14, 2020, the status is still stuck in "In-Review".

We contacted Apple via "request to expedite review" and explained to them that we needed the new build out to prod as it has fixes to major bugs critical to our app's main functionality but in 3 separate occasions, we got the same templated response that they need more time as our app is already in review.

What should we do next?

Waiting since june 30th, can you please review app com.fastotv
Usually the "In Review" takes 30-50 minutes but today it has said "In Review" for more than 6 hours. Could it be because of the release of iOS 14? Or is there something I could try?
Same, My app has been in review for 35 days! Im assuming they're backed up if everyone is experiencing the same issues.
We have been in review for 11 days on an upgrade to an existing app. We added IAP Subscriptions to the new version which may be the cause of the delay.
4 weeks 'in review'
Guys i have the solution, when your app has been in review for more than 3 hours it will keep in that state for ever well in my case for more than 20 days, i tried to cancel and send it again for 10 days more (in this same period of time I uploaded 2 apps more without this issue) then i tried to change the app version and generate a new binary only updating the version in my case was de 1.1.1 and i generate the 1.1.2 (without any change) and then in the Itunes connect version i also update the version from 1.0 to 1.1, and then sent the app again to review and in this case the app was reviewed in less than 6 hours and kept "in review" for 1 hour and finally the app was approved for sale, i hope it works for you guys it is a bug that seems the apple sistem have
As of February 2021, mine (free app) took just under 12 hours altogether:
  • 9 hours 'waiting for review'

  • 3 hours 'in review'

From the United Kingdom.
I am having same issue since start of 2021, my app is "In Review" state for more than 30 days and it is in this state for-ever. I had tried rejecting, updating versions, code, binaries and resubmitting but nothing works.
Contacted apple support but it always return automated reply that it is being reviewed.
Has anyone got solution or any information that can help?

So many comments with the same, this is sad. It’s a monopoly to which we can’t even communicate with…

My app has been in review for 2 weeks. I email the review team and no response, resubmitted and goes into review within 5h and stays there AND I see the reviewer went into the app because I provided a clean account and it was modified. So I just wonder if they do this on purpose and leave it on review… This is truly a monopoly , we developers don’t have a say and we can’t communicate. I hope it changes someday.

Hello! We have the same problem. Our app in review for 3 weeks. And nothing is happening. Just silence. Our app was Rejected and Removed before that.

Hello All, My app is in review state since from last 24 hours . It was rejected earlier and we fixed then resubmitted . Generally app gets approved in 1 hours of time after it goes in review state . Is it wise to cancel and submit again ? Please suggest .

I have been waiting for my app review to progress for over 3 weeks now. I message through Connect for information as to why and get either no reply or the same generic message. I applied for an expedited review and this was approved over 2 weeks ago, but nothing has come of that either. Is anyone else out there having these issues?

I'm facing the same problem. My app has been in the "In Review" status for more than a month now. It previously got rejected once with a message saying the rejection was temporary cos they need more time to evaluate. It remained in the same status for 2 weeks. Then I sent them a message and they took it back to "In Review" status. But still it is in review. This is the first app I submitted from my newly started company's developer account. Previous submissions from my personal developer account never faced such an issue.

I am facing the same problem. I uploaded a new version for my existing app and initially got rejected. Then after resolving the issues mentioned by the reviewer, I uploaded another new version on Apr 30. After that it went to In Review state for almost 3 weeks. Then I tried to change the build number and again uploaded, but no luck. It again went to In Review and it is still in that state.

I tried to contact the App Review 3 times by submitting the details, but every time got an automated response from their side. How can we contact the App Review team to resolve this.

Does anyone has got any resolution? Please help.

Thanks for the information Headwaytechies, we have arranged for someone from App Review to contact you asap.

We are facing the same problem. App has been in the "In Review" status for more than a 2 weeks .We asked expedited review, but Apple says everything is ok, please wait. How can we contact the App Review team to resolve this? It blocked our important release, please help!

I am surprised to be facing same issue. At start of iTunesConnect, review times were typically 2-8 days. But in the past few years, my dozen apps and updates have sailed through consistently with a day (or less) waiting for review and a day (or less, sometimes hours, sometimes minutes!) in review. Yet now I'm in my second week of waiting. Started with initial rejection for issues which were flatly incorrect, I replied, tweaked the app to make it even further beyond reproach, resubmitted, and now...nothing.

Today's date is July 3, 2022.

Apple review process is a mess. It looks like they don't have enough reviewers, or they are lazy and incompetent workers. They also don't respond if you ask them for status. This behavior is exactly what is behind legislations being forwarded in the US Senate to force Apple and Google to to open up their stores for third parties to post. (By the way unlike Apple, Google review teams work 24 hr/dy). Contact your senators/rep. it is bipartisan legislation.

We are facing the same issue with our latest release. It includes time sensitive bug fixes and has been "In Review" for almost 2 weeks. Previous Releases were reviewed within 2 days max. We also requested expedited review and received an automated reply saying our app is now in expedited review queue. @Andreas@AppReview is there any way to get a meaningful reply from the App Review team ?

I have a small bug that needs to be released. It's been over a week. I keep getting the same automated response:Your submission is still in review but is requiring additional time. We will provide further status updates as soon as we are able.Initially i thought it was a real thing, that was taking a couple of extra days. Now I realized the pain.There is no issue with Google, Android release was just business as usual

We had a build get rejected for not supporting Apple's account deletion feature, but Apple said we could release that submission if we wanted. We replied "okay, we'd like to release it" and it took a full 7 days just to respond to that simple request to release the bug fix submission, which App Review offered us in the first place.

We've now submitted a new build that supports account deletion and it's been "in review" for 3 days. I'm astonished by the slow communication.

Can we please arrange to message/speak with someone on the AppReview team? @Andreas@AppReview

Hi @benbob23 It looks like your app is approved now. While about 90% of all app submissions are reviewed in less than 24 hours, it is not reason to be alarmed if it takes some additional time. For future references if you are in review for an extended period of time and are facing a deadline you can file an Expedited Review request. You can also contact App Review Support and ask to speak to someone from App Review.

@Andreas@AppReview (maybe will be lucky here):

How are the App reviews carried out ? Our app app (1611373674) has been "in review" for 3 full days. I cannot imagine that it really takes 3 days to be reviewed. So, either the status is wrong and nobody reviews the app, or please be more transparent about the process and give some more in-depth knowledge about the process.

Any email to appreview just get an auto-answer, but absolutely no follow-up, which we consider extremely unprofessional. Please do not tell us about asking App Review Support to call back, this takes 3-5 business days, which translates to 7 week days. Expedite review, why not, but it's not the case, we just want something decent, in the range of 24-48h.

Could we at least have some kind of indication about the average review time, updated daily ?

We surely understand that review times are variable, but reading here about review times in the range of weeks (!) is quite frightning...

Thanks for the feedback. No news is bad news here.

Apps "In Review" for long time