Apps "In Review" for long time

I used to submit games and they were reviewed within a week's time till mid-2018 but since September, my games keep going to "In Review" status and stay in that status for ever.

I did try to cancel the submission and re-submit it, but every time, it goes to "In Review" within 24 hours and stays in same status for weeks. Its been at-least a month for 1 of my app and almost 3 weeks for another.

App Id's : 1437438165 , 1435726513

Any one else also facing similar issues?

I am seeing the same thing. I haven’t waited that long yet. But luckily, I have a Mac app so I can just change my download link to be direct. The Mac App Store hasn’t had led to any increase in sales anyway.

Have your app been rejected? I just think there is something ( maybe a bug??) with a resolution center.

After my app rejected, I resubmitted a new binary on Sep21. It had been in "waiting for review" for more than 2 weeks until the status changed to "In Review". Now, It's been for 2 days as "In review" status. In my experience, it takes few hours "in review" usually.

Some developer said that remove app from the review by himself and resubmit app again get the app approval within 2 days.

I don't know what's wrong with a review process these days..

My other app was rejected then i uploaded 2 different apps and both have been in review ever since. I did re-upload one of them but no luck. same thing happens.

Same here, 2 apps are waiting for review for 4 and 3 weeks. Before this, one of them was in review about week and nothing so I resubmitted it. 3 weeks it just wainting for review.

Support don't respond anithing about it, just: "keep waiting"

Same problem. I stuck for all update of my apps. Have you been approved ?

Not to be a jerk, but my apps have been approving at a ridiculously quick pace.

Sometimes under an hour.

I had one get approved in literally 15 minutes.

I am almost hesitant to post this for fear I will disrupt whatever the App Gods have bestowed upon me.

It must depend on factors beyond our control.

The one thing I will say. My apps are extremely simple, no IAP, no objectionable content, average to above average graphics, and all are written in pure native Swift / Sprite Kit 4.x

I suspect this may help when dealing with App Review.

My recent experiences have been mixed. In the last month or so I submitted updates to two of our existing apps that flew right through review in no time. Each review took about a day, both with and without rejections. It was a surprisingly fast and smooth process.

However, even more recently I submitted a new app for review. It's now been "in review" for about a week and I'm getting nervous. I've read horror stories about App Store limbo lasting months. I really hope that's not going to happen to our app now. But of course there's not much we can do about it besides wait patiently and hope for the best. Good luck to us all!

games 2 week in review status is normal ?

Same here. We are wating for 3 weeks without any response for 2 new apps.

App has iaps, they are in review state but app itself is still waiting in review. We send email for help but just repond auto reply messages.

Anyone know why they wait us without explaining anything? Is there anyone get meaningfull reply message ?


An update on my situation: my macOS app just finished review. It was still rejected, but overall that means it spent around 10 days in review. That's on the long side, but at least I didn't have to wait 3-4 weeks like some of the poor people in this thread.

I'm hoping my resubmission with the requested changes clears review faster, but maybe it'll be another 10 day turnaround? Good luck to you all!

Anyone get result after long review time?

Please share here.

Same here. We are wating for 5 weeks without any response for 2 new apps and 1 app for updating but still status in waiting for review.

I've been waiting 2 weeks now "In Review". I'm tempted to just submit an entire new bundle ID and forfeit my original bundle and its ratings. Sad that it's come to this.

Hi everyone,

even on our side, a new app is "waiting for review" since 18 days. It's hard to explaing to the customer the reasons and Apple doesn't help Developers on that, at all.



The same thing with my apps. Before october my apps could be approved in 2 days from "Waiting for Review" to "Ready for Sale". Now two of my apps wait for approving more than 2 weeks.

Two apps, 6 weeks waiting in review, no response. Clients are sending us a lot of support tickets, it's bad for us.

Why Apple silent? Why Apple do not eplain us the reason?

Why we are waiting for?

If app not fit guidelines Reject it, if it is ok Approve.

If developer behaves bad, explain the reason warn developer, if keep going same behaviours cancel his developer license.

It is mobbing for developers waiting without any information.

Same problem here. What do you recommend? Reject and upload a new binary?

The same thing with my app.One app was in reviewed for 3 weeks,the others was "waiting for review" for 12days.

Please tell me what can i do ?

any updates? Was it finally approved/rejected?

My app is still waiting for 3 months "in review" status. By not giving any information, Apple makes developers and companies give up the idea of creating and publishing new apps to AppStore.

Apple has to change the review processes now, may be has to give a live status web page.

They examines the apps deeply and tells that they look for "hidden features" or "obfuscated selectors" nowadays, but this explanation is not enough us to wait the reviewing our apps. After they give this rejection reason, nothing is solved for clients if there is no hidden "thing".

So did anyone have a an acceptance after waiting so long ?

Any update ?

I am in the same situation... "in review" for more than 5 days 😐

My game was hold 1 months ago, and i don't get some useful info to about the rejected. One time i sent they a massage with a screenshot of my page. They sent me a reply to tell me my app still in review and take additional time.(but the red rejected notice still on my app icon)

So my app is "rejected" and "in review" now....I don't want to take 3 months to wait for nothing...can anyone help?

Apps "In Review" for long time