Iphone Simulator not showing in developer menu

I recently updated to MacOs Mojave also Safari Technology Preview (Release 67 (Safari 12.1, WebKit 14607.

Till now I was in Sierra and I was able to use Web Inspector in safari technology preview to debug Iphone Simulator website, but now is not working so I open a website in iphone simulator, but Iphone is not showing in developer menu in Safari Technology Preview

Does this happen to anyone else ?

For future visitors of the thread, there are a couple reasons this could be happening to you.

I also ran into this issue only after upgrading to Mojave, but fortunately the fix was easy (and possible not related to Mojave at all). I just had to restart Safari after booting up the simulator.

Others online had to change their privacy settings, like removing 'Do Not Track'. That didn't seem to fix it for me, though.

I don't remember having this issue pre-Mojave / Safari 12, but I can't think of why it'd be an issue from that upgrade. I can confirm that this does not happen every time I restart the simulator.

Seems to be a weird occurance with a simple fix.

Thanks @dylanhusted

It's weird issue after I had upgraded to Mojave version.

You may need to update Xcode as well. What OS version are you using for the Simulator? For older simulator runtimes (I think iOS 11.0 and earlier), Safari can only inspect one Simulator at a time. If you are using a more recent release, this should not be an issue.

If you are still unable to resolve this after updating to the latest Xcode and macOS, please file a report at bugreport.apple.com and we'll take it from there.

Iphone Simulator not showing in developer menu