wifi signal strength check

I want to test the WiFi signal strength from swift.

at this time, it is connected to ap that can not access the Internet.

Please give me an example.

I presume you’re talking about iOS here. If not, let me know.

iOS has no general-purpose API for getting Wi-Fi signal strength or other low-level Wi-Fi information. You can learn more about what Wi-Fi APIs that iOS does provide in QA1942 iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs.

What were you planning to use the Wi-Fi signal strength for?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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I am not OP, but I can tell you why I'd like Wi-Fi signal strength:

1) We manage a large Wi-Fi network out in the field, and people complain about slowness from time to time. Among other analytics metrics, we'd love to have the SSID (which we can get) and the strength of connection to that AP, so we can create a signal heat map to tell us when we need to add (or adjust) APs.

2) We'd love to be able to throttle API calling frequency, or payload size, based on the quality of the user's connection. It's not sufficient to say "this user is on Wi-Fi, so give them the full firehose" if that user only has 1 bar. For the same reason, we'd love to know cell signal strength too.

FWIW, we only deploy internal apps via Enterprise MDM, so I'm happy to use a solution that wouldn't pass App Store muster, if it'll help me.

wifi signal strength check