Need to capture user activity like call, text, and app usage without reading the content.

Reading sqlite databases in the OS library can be one option but does it require Jailbreaking?

How does spyware like Cocospy work on iOS devices?

Note: I'm going to capture data for R&D with user consent, visible running app and not as spyware running in the background.

I'm new to iOS development and any leads, references will be much appreciated.

Answered by guywithmazda in 340559022

There aren't any Apple-supported APIs to do what you are asking. As for how non-Apple products accomplish these things, you're not likely to get any help here on Apple's forums. Your best bet is to search elsewhere.

Accepted Answer

There aren't any Apple-supported APIs to do what you are asking. As for how non-Apple products accomplish these things, you're not likely to get any help here on Apple's forums. Your best bet is to search elsewhere.

What if instead of this suspicious type of post I am a victim of someone monitoring my messages, apps, notes, etc and I want to know how to get them out of my private information and the person doing so is someone who answers apple support calls via working for teleperformance. I mean I thought I was losing my mind and just having an overly active imagination and paranoia but when he can quote my private text messages and despite every security measure I have done he can still sit there and make sociopath types of statements and tell me how to answer one of my text message that I have no clue how he is getting into my phone or MacBook Air but he is doings so with out my leaving my phone for him to access and he is doing so regardless of how many times I change my apple ID and Passwords and passcodes. I mean if they can screen share remotely from their homes and tell people where to click and circle items to click on their computers provided by Teleperformance and Apple is he using his work computer to access my private data and location and keeps right in step with anything I do to prevent his activities or has he got one of these third party apps and doing it. I really wonder do yall have any suggestions

Need to capture user activity like call, text, and app usage without reading the content.