Error: The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit.

I want to publish my first paid app on the App Store. To do that I need to sign the Paid Applications agreement. To do that I visited "Agreements, Tax and Banking" section of App Store Connect. Whenever I click on "View and Agree to terms" option, it asks me enter my address. And how many times I enter the address, it always show me the error as follows...

"The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit."

I've tried to enter the address same as what mentioned in my membership details in the App Store Connect. Moreover, I have also entered the address same as what I have on Apple ID biling and shipping address. I have also compared the address with the address mentioned on the legal proof that I submitted while creating Apple Developer ID. Unfortunately I'm stuck to the current situation. Can anyone provide me the solution to this?

Thanks in advance.

I am also facing the same issue.

Just found a solution. Try clicking the add/save/submit button 3 times.


OMG this worked! thank you so much!

thank you so much sir

that's work with me ,many thanks

cool, thank youu

It worked Thank You So Much!!!!!!!!

Thanks very much it definitely worked for me. i was stuck for three days

In my case erro was error: ["insufficient privileges"]

But it showing me like "An error occurred".

I did inspect element and I got the actual Error

{warn: null, error: ["insufficient privileges"], info: null}

tks so much ! This helped me a lot

worked, tysm


well, thank you, of course.

you have saved my life for sure.




Thanks Anurag Anand it's working now

You are genius ! ... How did you figure it out ?

What a trick !

Should file a bug report.

WOW Chamatkar ho gya

OMG, thank you so much

This is crazy and hilarious! Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the largest company (by market cap) on planet earth.

thanks very much it definitely worked for me!

Thank's bro, it's worked!

Like seriously??! And we are talking about Apple here?

This bug is there for at least 8 months now and we still need to click thrice to get through this!

Anurag - you've helped a lot of people! Kudos! 🙂

OMG Just can not believe, that this worked for me

What a weird-*** fix. It worked! 😀

Can't believe Apple is still not fixing this and my 15 min. was spent on this.

Could have been longer without your help.

Thank you so much, sir.

wow, how can this be possible, it worked for me as well, thank you

Error: The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit.