"Unable to boot device" error message

In XCode 6.4, when I try to run the simulator of iPhone 4S (any of the iOS 8.x versions), I receive this error message:

Unable to boot device because it cannot be located on disk.

The simulator comes up, but (usually) the app doesn't run (occasionally, it does). XCode hangs.

I was able to get it to run by removing all derived data and cleaning out the CoreSimulator/Devices dir and then rebooting my machine. But now it's doing it again.

The other devices run fine on the simulator.

It sounds like the issue here is a side effect of you having deleted the ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices directory while CoreSimulatorService was running. The device was probably in a state where it doesn't have its data directory, so it fails to boot with that message.

I suggest you try running 'xcrun simctl erase [UDID]' where you can get the UDID by checking the output of 'xcrun simctl list'.

Pleae let me know if that addresses the issue.

In general, you should never just delete the CoreSimulator/Devices directory yourself. If you really absolutely must, you need to make sure that the service is not runnign while you do that. eg:

# Quit Xcode.app, Simulator.app, etc

sudo killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService

rm -rf ~/Library/*/CoreSimulator

> In general, you should never just delete the CoreSimulator/Devices directory yourself. If you really absolutely must, you need to make sure that the service is not runnign while you do that.

Can you explain why? This has been a fairly common practice for me in Xcode 6.

> sudo killall -9 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService

If I understand correctly, the CoreSimulatorService is a daemon and will relaunch when it is terminated.

Meaning, it is not possible to delete the /Devices directory with the CoreSimulatorService not running.

Unable to boot the ios simulator Error

Same error on machine from last 2 days, i searched on google got lot of soltuion but it does not work for me.

I have already try to install or re-install xcode but i am getting same error.

OS version : 10.11.2

Xcode version :7.3.1

IOS version : 9.3

same for me

OS version : 10.11.2

Xcode version :7.3.1

IOS version : 9.3

this bug just start hapenning today, this is very weird

Unable to boot the ios simulator Error

OS version : 10.11

Xcode version :7.3

I have re installed xcode, but the same error..

Unable to boot the simulator. No error message , just an alert.

OS version: 10.11.3

Xcode version: both 7.2 and 7.3

Tried all the solutions like uninstalling and reinstalling xcode. Deleting simulator and adding them back, resetting content and settings of simulator and rebooting, and the solutions mentioned above.

But no success.

Same Error.

OS version: 10.11.3

Tried with XCode 7.3.1 and 7

This worked for me:

gem install snapshot
fastlane snapshot reset_simulators

Thanks, this solved the issues for me

I'm experiencing this same problem with Xcode 9.1. None of the solutions listed above have worked for me. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary so I'm not sure why I'm having problems with Xcode all of a sudden (except for the fact that I am trying to get an app release out asap!)

Any suggestions appreciated

Thanks jeremyhu. Your solution did not work the first time, but did work the second time.

I'd the same issue today.

Just add a new simulator for the same ios device.

Delete the old one that is not working.

I tried all the mentioned options but none seems to work.

And even adding new simulators doesn't, any device I launch will be unable to boot the simulator.

Does anyone have other solutions?

This solution worked for me. None of the above solutions worked for me, including installing/uninstalling a different version of Xcode

$ sudo mkdir /private/tmp 
$ sudo chmod 1777 /private/tmp

Original post where I found the solution can be found here

Thanks, GuiDev, this fixed the problem for me.
"Unable to boot device" error message