MerchantId is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.


- I have a developer account with Apple

- I have created the Payment Processing Certificate

- I have done the merchant validation

- I have created the Merchant Identity Certificate

When I call the function 'session.onvalidatemerchant', visit the url:, I received a error:


"statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception merchantId=BECD61522C23F5C8200759A03B67E19730D3F6A03C7DDD1470D64B0DF6F28078 unauthorized to process transactions on behalf of merchantId=1BAE2D40CDB3552D32815FA54BFBDFBAFFE94047CC198087DB502A7C6F9448B1 reason=\"1BAE2D40CDB3552D32815FA54BFBDFBAFFE94047CC198087DB502A7C6F9448B1 is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.\"",

"statusCode": "417"


But when I make the same request on a Chinese server, I received a successful result.

I hope to get successful results on servers in the United States.

Please help.



did you ever get a fix for this?

We got the same error in the following scenario:

  • merchant_A_identifier contains the two certificates you mentioned above
  • merchant_A_identifier registers Merchant B as merchant_B_identifier using the registerMerchant Apple API, along with the domain "" in the field domainNames in the body of the request, and encryptTo field is set to merchant_A_identifier
  • merchant_A_identifier uses its certificate and key to start an Apple Payment Session, with the merchantIdentifier set as merchant_B_identifier and initiativeContext set to ""

It only worked once we made the initiativeContext and the domain from the first request from the domainNames field exactly the same (ie, setting initiativeContext to "")

I am also having this issue. Based on the reply from the merchant registration API, it seems like we should be good to go.

"partnerMerchantName":"Rentola ApS","partnerInternalMerchantIdentifier":"b5672fbd-8023-4d9b-a31b-1d7eaf9edb8b","partnerMerchantValidationURI":"\/.well-known\/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association","encryptTo":"754F58C5005E8DE8A05A2258D78027E9AC0CF2803671FA8A0A8AF4837CECBC35","merchantUrl":"https:\/\/"}

We are sending merchantIdentifier as the partnerInternalMerchantIdentifier registered for this domain under our account.

But on validation, we get a 417

{"merchantIdentifier":"b5672fbd-8023-4d9b-a31b-1d7eaf9edb8b","initiative":"web","initiativeContext":"","displayName":"Rentola ApS"}

  "statusMessage": "Payment Services Exception merchantId=754F58C5005E8DE8A05A2258D78027E9AC0CF2803671FA8A0A8AF4837CECBC35 unauthorized to process transactions on behalf of merchantId=FAE68E4BDCFD120FA639F4BFDBEA9882CF91D7AA60977E2356769158570DB0A7 reason=FAE68E4BDCFD120FA639F4BFDBEA9882CF91D7AA60977E2356769158570DB0A7 is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.",
  "statusCode": "417"

^ I was using an Apple Pay sandbox test account on live

MerchantId is not a registered merchant in WWDR and isn't properly authorized via Mass Enablement, either.