new builds not show in app store connect

i had upload new build(version 6.8.9) with application loader about 20 hours ago, and loader show success, but the new build 6.9.9 not show in app store connect activity list.

when i reupload the version, loader show ERROR ITMS-90189, same build string build exist.

how to fix this suitation? is there some bugs in app store connect?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of fromjun Down vote post of fromjun
  • Did this ever get solved? I see multiple posts of 3 years ago where people say this can take up to 36 hours but never a solution or official answer.

  • 3 Years later still facing the same issue

  • I am having this issue ( 11 January 2023 ).



I'm having the same problem. After a week, trying submit a lot of builds, but without success, just disappears, nothing else.

I am continuously getting this error. Could any one guide me? What is the solution to this error no one mentioned in all 10 pages.

Had the same issue. Turns out I was missing NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in my plist.

  • This worked for me, for some reason my info.plist were missing those keys.

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Hi, Not sure if this help anyone or not. In my case it is because I updated the version. The old version was 1.0, but I upload a new build with version 1.0.1. It showing that version for a while and then disappeared.

  • Try upload build again, XCode archive success but it showing the same error, 1.0.1 showing in testflight for a while and then disappear.
  • Try change version to 1.0.0 also not working

It only working when I change version to 1.1 > archive and Distribute again.

  • Sorry, above not working, I cannot edit the comment so I reply here.

    Please try checking your update in podfile, info.plist,... In my case I use custom pod from a github link and it causing the issue, remove the pod > pod install > archive and the build upload fine again

  • how you detect the problem with your custom pod?

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Same issue. Still.

  • Also faced the issue now. No problem earlier in the summer.

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Same issue, 24.11.2023

I thought I was making some mistake when uploading my app, I see that we have the same problem, it must be some platform problem

Look for an email with this error ( ITMS-90683: Purpose string missing in Info.plist ), this is some permission that your application needs, add it and that's it.

In my case it was this: NSMicrophoneUsageDescription

I added it and everything working again

You can check below the tap of the app version. It doesn't exist write an email to the app review team.