Does iOS 13 support ISO 14443?

Does iOS 13 support ISO 14443 considering all of the enhancements to Core NFC? Thank you.

Very Respectfully,

Michael Ross

I think what you probably mean is 14443-4 T=CL, like for contactless smart cards, EMV, PIV, CAC, etc?

If so, then yes. What the API is calling 7816 is actually 14443-4 implementation of 7816-4 APDUs.

As long as you can pre-declare the set of AIDs you wish to interact with, and the smartcard responds with SW1 SW2 of 90 00 to at least one of your declared AIDs, then you should be good to go.

Presumably this whole AID filter thing is intended to be used to allow Apple to blacklist interaction with certain special well-known AIDs. (It appears pretty clear that they intend to block access to payment industry apps, like EMV apps for VISA/MC/etc...) Presumably, Apple does not wish CoreNFC to be utilized for producing an EMV payments terminal.

Trying with iPhone 13 Pro iOS 16.0.3 I cannot read NFC Tag ISO 14443-3A

Does iOS 13 support ISO 14443?