is "apns-push-type" required for VoIP as well on iOS 13?

per Table 1 in

The important part is that the apns-push-type header is: "Required when delivering notifications to devices running iOS 13 and later, or watchOS 6 and later. Ignored on earlier system versions."

Should it be background or alert if it is required for VoIP on ios13?

Any update on this?

I've contacted Apple and it seems that for VoIP pushes, this field must be: voip (but it's not documented)

Hey alemar,

I also discovered the 'voip' value but purely by chance (thought it might work and it did).

Would you mind posting the conversation that you had with Apple so I can see the details?

Thank you!

is "apns-push-type" required for VoIP as well on iOS 13?