How do I access TestFlight feedback?

Hi all

I have put my first app on TestFlight for beta testing and have approximately 20 testers who have joined anonymously. When I look at the "All Testers" page I can see that several of them have submitted feedback ( there is a number in the feedback column), however I have not received any of this email.

I have had some peope who are known to me try sending feedback via the "Send Beta Feedback" button in TestFlight and these emails are coming through to me fine so I think my email is configured ok.

I seem to be missing something very basic here - I was wondering if someone could tell me how I can access the feedback related to the number shown in the feedback column on the "All Testers" page? Is this an iOS 13 functionality??

Many thanks and best wishes

About testing on iOS 13.xb...

From the docs:

Getting Feedback

With TestFlight 2.3 on iOS 13 beta, testers can send feedback directly from your app simply by taking a screenshot. They can also provide additional context about an app crash immediately after it occurs. To view this feedback, go to your app’s TestFlight page in App Store Connect, and click Crashes or Screenshots in the Feedback section. Feedback from testers on tvOS or earlier versions of iOS will be sent to the email address you provide in Test Information.

If you believe you're not receiving emails from a certain group (regardless of which address you've spec'd), confirm they're not being spam filtered out of your inbox.

I'm having the same issue. I built my app with the iOS 13 toolchain and uploaded to TestFlight.

I can see the Feedback counter saying 1 for one of my anonymous testers, but it doesn't appear under Crashes or Screenshots, nor did I get an email.

Same. I am so curious about my mystery feedback.

I have same issue with ios 13 toolchain and xcode 11 build. Many feedbacks but lack of email and only one screenshot feedback

I have the same issue. Only once I've received a feedback, one of the testers was on iOS13 beta 1, while I've iOS12.

Same here, nothing can be seen, would be curious what the solution is or is it just stuck and have to wait couple of days?

Same here, can count more than 100 feedbacks from anonymous testers, but none can be seen and no email received

Same problem here. We launch the app for Testers on Tuesday and tried to send one feedback which went through. But, since then we are not recieving feedback nor numbers for each user.

It looks like the feedback is finally coming. So, the solution is to wait couple days (2-3).

How did they fix it? I'm seeing exact same thing and getting no emails. Also, screenshots section is empty as well.

Hi Tomas! I have the same issue but not getting the emails. :/ Did you start receiving emails after 2-3 days or did the feedback show up in the "Screenshots" section? Thanks.

I am experiencing the same exact problem!

Me too. Hundreds of feedback listed bust just a single screenshot shows up. Not a single mail arrived.

Has this ever been resolved by Apple? I also can't access any submissions, while there should be almost 100 submissions.

How do I access TestFlight feedback?