




China mainland - Processing to Available?
I know that in the past, there was a complicated process to make apps available in China. However now, I see the following for both China and South Korea: China mainland: Processing to Available Korea, Republic of: Processing to Available What does "Processing to Available" mean? Does this mean that Apple is working on making the app available for me? I want my app to be available in China when the Vision Pro launches there.
Mar ’24
visionOS app icon?
The documentation for the AppIcon is unclear to me: I added a 1024 x 1024 AppIcon (PNG) in the asset, but my app still is not getting any icon. Edit: found the solution: Create an Assets folder if you don't have one already Click the + at the bottom of the list in the assets folder > visionOS > AppIcon
Oct ’23
Vision Pro: UX: how to close an immersive view?
From my 2D WindowGroup, the user can open an ImmersiveSpace. (For some reason the original 2D WindowGroup disappears as soon as the mouse cursor is not over that windows anymore, so the user is only in the immersive space, not sure what the logic is there) Bt anyhow, what is the standard UX pattern to let the user exit that space again, and return to the 2D part of the app? This is roughly my app's setup: var body: some SwiftUI.Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView().environmentObject(buildingModel) } ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpaceVideoWrapper"){ Immersive360VideoPlayer() }.immersionStyle(selection: $currentStyle, in: .mixed, .progressive, .full) ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpacePhotoWrapper"){ Immersive360Photo() }.immersionStyle(selection: $currentStyle, in: .mixed, .progressive, .full) }
Oct ’23
Hello world example broken?
Downloaded and trying to run the Hello World example project (the globe and satellite). xcode 15.0 beta 2 Selected my development team (with automatic signing) The Vision Pro simulater is the target Pressed Play icon Got 11 errors. Q: How to run the example successfully in the simulator?
Sep ’23
Embedded images are broken when opening project on another device
When I embed an image -say a PNG- in a reality composer (RC) project on macOS, the image goes missing when opening the project on mobile or when sending it to someone else. (The same happens the other way around: embedding an image on mobile and then opening the project on macOS).The image shows up as a grey plane in the scene.However, in the inspector there acutally IS a thumbnail visible of the image, and it can even be selected as if it still is imported in the project. But, as sais, it doesn't work and shows up grey in the scene view.Please fix this bug, we need this to use RC effectively.Used:2019 MacBook Pro 15" with macOS 11.15.4 with Xcode 11.5iPhone Xs with iOS 13.5.1 and RealityComposer 1.4
Jun ’20