Downloading data files in an iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app that will allow users to choose files to download from my server. These are all simple JSON files that are used to display Greek texts. Since many of these files are very large, I want my users to be able to pick which ones they want to have on their device.

I was thinking of finding some external directory-listing template code from the internet, and just using a table view to list the files. But now I've discovered the existence of UIDocumentPickerViewController. Would this be a good choice for my purposes? Or would it needlessly complicate things?

Any suggestions for good code snippets for connecting to and downloading from my server would also be much appreciated!

Answered by OOPer in 382530022

UIDocumentPickerViewController. Would this be a good choice for my purposes?

No. UIDocumentPickerViewController works on files in the device, not for network resources.

You may need to download the index info first and show it to users in table view or collection view or something like that.

I do not think it is too complicated for you to write by yourself.

Accepted Answer

UIDocumentPickerViewController. Would this be a good choice for my purposes?

No. UIDocumentPickerViewController works on files in the device, not for network resources.

You may need to download the index info first and show it to users in table view or collection view or something like that.

I do not think it is too complicated for you to write by yourself.

Downloading data files in an iOS app