Custom icon in web login

I had successfully implemented the authentication flow with Apple Sign In in our web application, but I can't find any documentation about how to set a custom icon, instead of the placeholder which is currently shown.
Does anyone can point me in the right direction?


Same for me. Thanks!

In the developer portal, you can enable an App ID to be primary, if the primary app is submitted to the app store, the icons will show up.

There is no way to provide a custom icon today.

And what if we do not have a related iOS app? We are implementing it just for website.


We also need an icon for Sign in with Apple without having to associate a primary app. We have multiple iOS apps, a unified login across apps/websites and don’t have a primary app with a generic icon for the unified login page.

Is this confirmed as a feature for Sign in with Apple? If so, when will this be available?'


We have several iOS, Android, and web apps that share the same backend and authentication. It seems ridiculous to submit a superficial "primary" app to the App Store just to have its name and icon used in Sign In forms. There should be a better way!

If this is a feature you would like to see please use Feedback Assistant to submit an enhancement request.

Same situation here: one auth system for several apps. No "Primaray app". How did you solve this?

Have come late to the party!

Is there still a requirement of setting primary App ID in the developer portal?

Same situation here: we have one auth system for several purpose driven business apps and our web applications. We are adding Sign In with Apple to our single auth system for all applications.

No "Primary app". It seems like overkill to maintain an app in the store for the purpose of a name and icon. Is there a workaround for campanies in this situation?

I'll submit feedback as well.

IMHO, the entire implementation for web based Apple ID auth has been pretty poor in regards to everything from the experience of coming to Apple NOT from an iOS experience, documentation which tells you what you need to do which you already know but not how to do it, no explaination about why your apps have no public keys like they do on other auth platforms, no SDKs for any popular backends, all the way to silly things like just trying to set this icon.

Any update on this topic?
We have an existing app (native app) live on the app store and we have made it's app id as primary after integrating sign in with Apple. The icon is still not showing up for me.
Do i need to submit it to the app store in order for the icon to show up?

We cannot provide a custom icon yet.
However, a default icon was changed to "Apple Logo" from a careless placeholder.
I think a discomfort has reduced.

In my Apple Developer account create a clientId & ServiceId. ServiceId is mapped with clientId. App is developed for IOS device & Web.

I am using serviceId in for Web to showing Apple SignIn consent popup.

AppleID.auth.init({ clientId : serviceId, cope : "email", redirectURI : "", state : "signin", usePopup : true }); Upload our website logo in AppStore which is mapped with clientId.

In IOS device new logo is coming but In web login not getting our new logo, it's showing Apple logo.

How can we configure for New logo on Web in place of Apple logo in login popup?

Custom icon in web login