apple-app-site-association not updating for my app, next update time in swcutil_show is in past

I am unable to get Universal Links opening in my app despite the fact that it is working for others.

I used sysdiagnose to retrieve swcutil_show.txt and it shows the next update time for the entry in my app to be: 0001-01-01 03:54:56 +0000

Which is in the past. I can't seem to be able to reset this entry even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Is there anyway to clear this entry on my device?

I'm not sure how it got into this state, but I hope it's only me and not any of my end users.

Same happening to me in iOS 13.

It worked briefly after updating to iOS 13.1 and then stopped working again.

I used sysdiagnose to retrieve swcutil_show.txt and it shows the next update time for the entry in my app to be: 0001-01-01 03:54:56 +0000

I was curious about this value, so I did some digging. It seems that this value is the equivalent of

, that is, a placeholder that indicates that the AASA file has never been downloaded and should be downloaded at the next opportunity.

As to your big picture problem, it’s possible that you’re being affected by a bug that’s causing downloads to hang indefinitely. Can you try retesting this on the current iOS 13.2 beta seed?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Hi eskimo,

I see same behavior for my app. The issue was there for iOS 13.1.2 and then was gone on iOS 13.2. Now it comes back on iOS 13.2.3.

Every time after a fresh install, my app's unviersal link stops working. Weirdly, aftet around 11:40PM of the same day, the links starts to work. I see this behavior on multiple days( with multiple installations each day) on the same device. Is this issue being addressed in the upcoming iOS 13.3 ?

Hmmm, I found this post because I feel like something very similar is happening with my app.

Universal Link in email is not recognised (I'm using Firebase for Passwordless Authentication), but after a seemingly random period it starts working - and I do feel it's late in the evening or overnight... (I'm in UK, so on UTC)

Issue is present on some phones iPhoneX, iPad 2 with iOS 13.3.1.

It works fine on iPhone8 and other iPhone XR with same OS version.

It works fine on iOS 12.X.X

It's also happening on iOS13.4 Beta

On device logs I have this:

Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 “Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework.” UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework., Line=250, Function=<private>}

On appsites stored information I have this for my app:

Service: applinks

App ID:***

App Version:

Domain: ***

User Approval: unspecified

Site/Fmwk Approval: unspecified


Next Check: 0001-01-01 03:22:35 +0000

The apple-app-site-association passes the AASA verification, but it shows an error when tested on

  • Error no apps with domain entitlements
  • The entitlement data used to verify deep link dual authentication is from the current released version of your app. This data may take 48 hours to update.
any update?
Once again, great support from Apple right here.

I'm facing the same problem, does anybody know more about how to fix this?

Same problem - changes in .well-known/apple-app-site-association/ json aren't reflected by checking

apple-app-site-association not updating for my app, next update time in swcutil_show is in past