is Sign In with Apple Mandatory?


In our app we let users authenticate with Facebook, Google and our company’s own account. So, we've our custom authentication (email and password).

with this scenario, is it mandatory to add Sign In with Apple in our application?

thanks for your time

Ok thank a lot

Ok thanks


I am with @ollyd87. I don't want Apple login either in my app. If users ask for it I can build it in but this shouldn't be dictated by Apple.

I got a rejection now because I have email + Google login I do not understand why the community puts up with such vendor-lock requirements. I am the developer and I am responsible to decide how my users will log in. I don't want to implement Apple ID as I don't see the value for my users. It's outrageous

In my app, by design, the users can set up their profile by filling out the form manually or pre-fill their name, email, and image to the form input using their data from Google service. The latter option will need the Google Sign-In to ask the user to grant permission to retrieve the data. The users are still able to make any changes before saving it. I designed my app to use as an offline app. It doesn't have any backend service, and the profile that the users saved isn't required to use the app. It is there for just displaying. Not for sign-in or access features.

My app got rejected due to not offering Sign-in with Apple as an equivalent option. In my use case, I believe that Sign-in with Apple is not an equivalent option to Google Sign-In. It has limitations. It only returns the name and email for the first time and does not return the profile image. Because the app saves all data on the device, offers the option to remove all data to the user, and doesn't even have a sign-out button (don't even have to sign in), how do I do if the user attempts to set up their profile again with Sign in with Apple? It will not return the user's name or email. They still need to fill out the form themself causing a negative user experience to the user.

I understand that it makes sense to add Sign-in with Apple if my app is using it for the user to do authentication and identify themself when using the services or features. But this is just like the auto-completion for the form input. I want to provide the convenient alternative way to the user. If it need permission from the user, I prompt to ask the permission. If Apple have it, I will provide it too.

Apple Review Team keep answer with the same message that you need to add Sign-in with Apple no matter what you're tring to explain to them. It's not good that the guidelines force us to use Sign-in with Apple whenever they see the sign-in form from the third party.

is Sign In with Apple Mandatory?