How Can I go back to XCode 10?

XCode 11.1 is so buggy that I can't use it to update a Mac OS X application. It can't deal with a lot of UI objects in .xibs and it logs many, many errors.

I tried unsuccessfully to get it using time machine but it won't run. Is there somewhere I can get version 10.3?

Answered by Tlaloc in 389874022

Running my project with XCode 10.3 doesn't fix any of the problems I have. XCode still logs lots of errors like:

2019-10-22 16:39:44.764172-0600 Appname[10316:215611] [Nib Loading] Unknown class NSBoxCustom in Interface Builder file at path ...


2019-10-22 16:39:44.778901-0600 Appname[10316:215611] [framework] CoreUI: RunTimeThemeRefForBundleIdentifierAndName() couldn't find in bundle with identifier: 'com.Appname'

So it looke like the problem is Catalina.

And filter with

XCode in search

Developer tools only.

10.3 is here.

When I downloaded the file I would need to install xCode 10.3 and try to use it to install XCode 10.3 I get an alert:

“Xcode_10.3.xip” cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.

macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.

So now I am a Mac deleloper WITHOUT A MAC IDE. Thanks to the extremely ****** XCode 11.0 /11.1 now I CAN'T develop software for the MAC! EXPLETIVE DELETED! EXPLETIVE DELETED! EXPLETIVE DELETED!

Even if you override gatekeeper by control clicking on the .xip it can't be opened because it's in an unsupported format. It looks like most of that stuff in the aditional downloads won't be available in Catalina.

File a bug report to Apple, to know who is the unidentified developper. I thought its name stared with AP… 😉 Complaining to the developers' community won't bring much help.

Have you the possibility to use another Mac with Mojave. Here you should be able to download 10.3.

BTW, I refrain rushing to upgrade my development machines and always keep one a version behind, both for OS and for XCode. Just to avoid the type of problem you ran into.

I already filed a bug report. My experience is that it may take a long time for Apple to deal with these and maybe never. I looked for a utility to open .xip files on the net and at the App Store but I can't find one. Do you think that the App Store review team will accept an udate that logs pages and pages of incorrect errors?

>looks like most of that stuff in the aditional downloads won't be available in Catalina.

Not what I found...

On Catalina 10.15, after grabbing Xcode 10.3 xip via more downloads, no override/hoop jumping was necessary for me unpack/verify/install then run. That process just worked. I'd expect it to be the same with similar downloads via that source.

Upgrading to Catalina 10.05.1 solves some problems but XCode 11.1 still reports the following spurious errors:

2019-10-30 12:47:27.642240-0600 Appname[5299:71250] Metal API Validation Enabled

2019-10-30 12:47:27.760170-0600 Appname[5299:71250] [Nib Loading] Unknown class NSBoxCustom in Interface Builder file at path /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Appname-hkjlvhmirshcnhesgvusrbzzbezi/Build/Products/Debug/

How Can I go back to XCode 10?