unable to boot the simulator launchd failed to respond

After I updated to Mac OS Catalina I'm no more able to run the simulator. I always get this: "Unable to boot the Simulator - launchd failed to respond".
I'm running

Mac OS 10.15 Catalina

Xcode 10.3

I can't update to Xcode 11 (anyway my collegue installed Xcode 11 and he's getting the same error too)

I already try these:

- Simulator/Hardware/Erase all contents and services... (the result was a black screen on simulator and nothing happened)

- Delete all simulators and download them again

- /private/tmp directory

sudo mkdir /private/tmp 
sudo chmod 1777 /private/tmp

- I tried this

xcrun simctl shutdown all  
xcrun simctl delete $(xcrun simctl list | grep -o '[0-9A-F]\{8\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{12\}' | xargs)
xcrun simctl delete unavailable

Nothing seems working...

The simulator looks working in the morning, than after few builds it stop working.


A first simple solution may be to reboot the Mac. Just try it.

Add new Simulator in Manage Devices then try again.

Easiest method without restarting your mac would be to just clear the derived data for your project. Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data (Click the little arrow) -> Delete the folder for your project.


Thanks marcmlynarczyk but this doesn't solve the problem.

Thanks Chris. This sometimes solves the problem. The problem randomly cames out again..... I'm having a lot of problem after updating to Catalina.. It looks Windows Vista......

I am facing the same issue and the error detail message I am getting is

Unable to boot the Simulator.Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomainCode: 60Failure Reason: launchd failed to respond

Tried deleting derived data and also restarting both mac and xcode.

Please help me out if anyone got a solution

The company I'm working for has locked some apple service from firewall. I think this is the problem. I don't know which is the service that cause this problem but if you disconnect the Mac from any network everything should work.
I think that Xcode call some apple service for verifing something (or for saving some usage data 👿) and the call to that service go in timeout

In my own case i move mine to the trash bin and i try relaunching the simulator and it worked

🇬🇧🇺🇸 Remove node_modules with sudo rm -r node_modules and run yarn

🇧🇷🇵🇹 Remova o node_modules com o comando sudo rm -r node_modules e rode o yarn

I had the same issue and tried every solution proposed in this article until now. For me it worked to reset all my simulators. I did it with fastlane, which I installed with homebrew. After installation I ran:

fastlane snapshot reset_simulators

The tool deleted all my existing devices and created new ones. It solved the issue for me.

Thanks @henry_g, i had the same issue, and fastlane snapshot reset_simulators did the job !

This worked for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38MIOYZOcHg


The best and easy way to solve this issue is to open a simulator in the top you will get an option file and then click on the open simulator option and select the device which you want to start your development

Fixed by deleting xcode cache

I fixed by create a new Simulator: Xcode > Product > Destination > Add additional Simulators > tab Simulators > tab button (+) (in bottom left of screen)

Go to Storage Management > Developer > Delete all the caches . Then open -a simulator

File > Open Simulator, select an existing iOS simulator.

I get this error:

Couldn't figure out why. Help please!

This solved the Problem for me:

Go to About This Mac > Storage > Manage > Developer and delete the Xcode Caches folder.

Turning off the WIFI and starting the simulator worked for me.

It helps me to remove simulators with same device but older iOS

unable to boot the simulator launchd failed to respond