Mail in beta 5 doesn't save SMTP setup

After upgrading to El Capitan beta 5, 10.11 Beta (15A235d), Apple Mail 9.0 (3073) is not remembering any SMTP accounts for non-iCloud accounts. For example, I have gmail and other IMAP mail servers. Mail forgot all my SMTP servers after the upgrade to beta 5; and adding the SMTP server then going back into the Outgoing Mail Server setup shows the SMTP server you just added was not saved. When trying to send an email with a missing SMTP account, you can add the SMTP server and the single email gets set OK, *but* that SMTP server you just added is not saved after sending that single email.

The SMTP server for iCloud accounts is saved and used without any problems.

This problem did not occur in previous El Capitan betas.

reported to Apple; radar #22026537

I think this behaviour may result from a particular setting getting activated somehow. If that's the case then disabling it should return control over your Gmail settings in Mail.

Uncheck the "Automatically detect and maintain account settings" checkbox(s) in Mail Preferences -there may be one of these checkboxesunder each account in Advanced.

Also in the SMTP Server List, for each server in Advanced, there may be a similar checkbox.

Once they're unchecked. Re-do your settings as you want. Save and restart Mail.

Oh, I wish it were so....

I can't add any new SMTP services (I can add them, save them and then when I go back, they're gone.)

my non iCloud, non-GMail and non-Yahoo IMAP accounts don't work... with or without changing the "automatically..." checkboxes.

for me, Mail is unusable in every beta ... except the first one... it worked fine there...

I didnt have that specific problem, but Mail continues to be largely unusable for non-Apple accounts with all DP's for me. Problems seem to revolve around handling of SMTP servers.

Exactly the same here... no matter how many times I type in all the correct data for my GoDaddy outgoing server (, as soon as I save it, it's gone. Over and over and over again. I can receive e-mail just fine so I know everything's ok with the incoming server (, but it won't save the outgoing, so I'm sunk. I've tried every trick I found on the Web (selecting then deselecting "Automatically detect...", opening the code under my mail account and chaning under "Send unsecure..." from "False" to "True". Nothing works. Hope someone can find a fix that works!

Here's a strange one... I did all the settings for the correct outgoing server and then did not close out the "Preferences", "Accounts" window - just left it open. I can now send and receive e-mail from 10.11 just fine. I did try saving and then closing out of Mail and reopening, but while it did maintain the correct outgoing server name, it kept changing it from "smtp" to "pop". There's something wrong with the "save" function in 10.11. My solution: don't save and don't close the program.

Cross fingers for today's Beta 6 🙂

Hi Devonhub,

New theory: this may have to do with SMTP entitlement failiure:

To diagnose if that's the case you would need to do the following:

  1. Open Mail app and go to the Mail menu, then select “Preferences”
  2. Choose the “Accounts” tab in the preferences window
  3. Select the mail account that is experiencing problems and/or errors
  4. Look under ‘Account Information’ tab and click “Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)”, then “Edit SMTP Server List”
  5. Select the ‘Advanced’ tab of the Edit SMTP Server List screen
  6. Re-enter your login and password credentials for the affected email account (this is an important step)
  7. Tick the box for "Allow insecure authentication"
  8. Now click “OK”
  9. Select the ‘Advanced’ tab of the main Accounts preference (this isn't the same 'Advanced' tab as before)
  10. Tick the box for "Allow insecure authentication" (again, it's not the same box)
  11. Close Preferences, selecting to “Save” when asked about changes

Compose a new email message and send it to check if it has been solved.


Thanks Max... I got that suggestion last week and tried and tried and tried it. Nope. My system is the only thing so far that's worked for me.

I have same problem......

It's not working......Apple just made a lot of bugs with Mail......

I have been driven nuts by this problem as well which I did not have in the previous betas. It happened only after the latest beta screwed all my mail acounts and I has to reenter them. What is however quite strange is:

a. I seem to have at least one account that stick on top of my iCloud account.

b. Also I thought Mail could just not save the last one from the list, so I entered the two that were missing and a dummy account ( Bingo, Mail has saved dummy perfectly and not the two useful ones. This points to the global problem of mail accounts somehow being screwed by the iCloud sync process.

I had the same problems and checking / unchecking didn't work at all.

My sollution was adding a email account for one of my domains. I used a non existing email but the SMTP which should be used for my other accounts.

After adding the fake account I could select the SMTP server for my existing email accounts and also after closing the dialog box it saved the chosen SMTP server.

Hope it works for you to.

The behaviour described by JJMSeattle reflects my siutation exactly. I thought I would contribute my experiences on this point in the event it may help someone, but alas I have no answer yet.

Re-entering my SMTP server details with the Connection Doctor window open below confirms that the connection is working, but the second the changes to the account are saved, the SMTP entry in the Connection Doctor disappears along with, of course, the entry in the Outgoing Server list. It seems to make no difference to me whether "Automatically detect and maintain..." is selected, either in the main accounts pane or in the advanced tab of the SMTP configuation pane. Likewise, "Allow insecure authentication" seem to make no difference either way.

What is odd is that this behaviour has only manifested itself in the last 24 hours or so - I updated to PB3 nearly two weeks ago when it was released and have been able to send email from this MacBook. Similarly, the same account continues to work fine on an iMac with El Cap installed.

A possibly related point is that following every public beta thus far, the main IMAP server I use has been unable to connect. In each case (after alot of searching imitiailly) I found that the password field of the relevant outgoing connections pane has become blank. Re-entering the password here (up until this issue) had restored the IMAP account.

Frustrated, but setting it down in words has helped clear my thoughts a bit!


Derby, UK

Unless all the listed suggestions i still have this issue. Strange is also since i use BETA 6 the screen show odd. The label fall over the entry boxes. This is only on my Retina machine. Both issues do not present themselfs on my older Air. Any suggestions from Apple?

I'm having the same issue, particulary with my Fastmail account.

Seems this continues to be broken in the Final release as well.

I can confirm the release version is doing the same thing. Smtp servers are not syncing to the prefs.


I did have the same issue. I just open Mail, under the Mail tab I choose Accounts instead of Preferences, choosee the account you having issues with and retype the passwork, voila, everything is working now.

Mail in beta 5 doesn't save SMTP setup