Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

I am having the exact same problem, unfortunately I recently had to get a new credit card since my old one expired but other than that nothing has changed since last year. My bank cant see any payments that try to authorize against my account so they cant tell me if something is wrong. So a bit stuck right now.


Do you have problems now?

I have same problem.

I changed three cards, but nothing...

A month has passed.

Support writes:


I understand that the duration of this process could be frustrating, and I apologize for all the inconvenience this is causing you.

We are still in the process of reviewing payments for the Apple Developer Program internally. You'll be notified of the information they provide once it becomes available.


I have (had) the same problem too. I tried various apple accounts, three different credit cards and several browsers (including private browwing). The payment(s) never went through.

Then Apple suggested that I contact by bank. I did, and the bank said they had no issues.

I am still unable to open a developer account.

I also called the banks. They have no problems.

I am writing letters in Apple. The answers are the same.

There is still no account.

The problem is not solved.

Hi guys! Any update?

I have the same problem - can't get access to apple developer program for almost one month already! Tried different email and cards - no luck!

Hi guys! Any update?

I have the same problem - can't get access to apple developer program for almost one month already! Tried different email and cards - no luck!

Just the same problem. Different credit cards and none of them worked, banks provide info than no purchases were made.

What is goning on? Contacting Apple Support doesn't help.

This problem seems to be major because it refers to many developers. Faced it myself, I conducted inverstigation around developer communities and I have read a lot of developer troubleshoot reports from Russia who are unable to enroll Apple Developer Program because of payment impossibility. Perhaps it applies to many countries except the United States, not only Russia.
The problem is not in any bank. Banks keep answering that they did not receive any payment requests, while Apple Support continue answering about problems from bank side with advice check billing information. This is wrong because trying different banks and credit cards did not help.

Problem seems to be from Apple's side, in payment processor or security system, probably both.

How can we get Apple's attention?

Problem is seriously major because many people have issues and unable to make payment for Apple Developer Program since November 2019.

Hi guys!

I have exactly the same problem,

I am in Panama, Central America, since december 13 I made the payment for the registration to the developer program, yesterday I sent an email to Apple support and today they have replied that the problem is on the side of the bank.

But I have no notification in Bank transactions as declined much less a request for payment by Apple, it is a bit frustrating not being able to enter the developer program already having projects ready for publication.


I have exactly the same problem. I did 6 attempts with diferent cards and banks. Every order was canceled.

same here, i tried two accounts,different Cards,they keep saying that 'please check your bank' and the bank has no issues on their side.

it's probably an issue with the Apple Payment System, i talked to different Apple Support agents and they don't know what the problem is!.

it's been a month for me trying and trying, i hope they can fix it ASAP.

You need to contact email support and mention that you faced same problem as many other users.

Better to provide link to this thread in order to let Apple know that problem is serious.

Got same situation here

I have tried 4 different credit cards and two of them successfully charged. however one day later the order was marked as cancelld. I didn't get my money back in the end nor get my account activated.

why just don't apple fix this problem after a month

On December 30, I registered a new ticket with reference to the previous ticket and attached the link of this forum indicating that there are many users with the same problem, I made the payment again with the same card that I use to make purchases in the App Store and There is still no response, total disappointment, if anyone has any additional information they would be grateful if they can share it.

Im have like problem

Mybe problem becuse security code

Now im not see in form payment field security code

See image



Same problem here

Apple is saying that your bank is blocking your payments & Bank is saying that there is no issue from their side.
What to do?

Same problem here. I am from Russia and tried 3 different russian bank cards on 3 accounts - All attempts are canceled. Apple support suggest stupid things like "cear your browser, try to contact your bank" and etc.

Hi there! I have the same problem. I've tried to renew membrship two times. First time I've indicated my new address as 'billing info' and I thought it was the reason - cause Apple doesn't have my new address. But then I've used the same bank, the same address as I used when registered as developer a year ago - and still waiting. And, yeah, I'm from Russia, so, I'm starting to thing, that it may be reason ))

I have the same problem. I've been trying to create an account for 3 months now.

3 apple ids, 4 cards and 2 banks later, it still doesn't succeed.

Support is useless and so is my bank.

I'm from India.

Please create a tweet and tag tim cook and apple support. I did so but they just told me to contact developer support!

If more people tweet then hopefully someone important will see it and get it fixed

Same problem here, tried different credit cards and created new apple id - no luck. The payment is never made.

Here I noted some details:


The banks say there were no money charge request, so it's Apple's fault.

If someone from Apple is reading this - please fix this asap!

my apple developer account program enrollement has been created 1 month back but my 99 dollar payment is not going thru...apple support on phone and email are not able to resolve my issue nor are they giving me a reason for my payments rejection...i have tried multiple creditcards and multiple apple id....can someone help me and give me their senior most person email id...,my entire app is delayed cause of this 99 dollar payments....i am amazed as to how a company like apple cannot come up with a solution oft aking my money for 30 days now !!!

while they support staff has been nice...they actually have no idea of why the payments is getting rejected...my bank says they have never recived a payment request only from apple..!! i have also used those cards on popular international site and it has worked...apple devoloper program is the only play i am facing an issue...

i am sure someone else from india also must have faced a similiar issue...

i have no idea what i can or should do...can anyone please help me !!

Only practical solution I see is that everyone who has the problem file a bug report.

Unfortunately, the link posted here to feedback assistant launch the app that I must log in to, and after I enter login and password it says that it couldn't log in and to try again later.

I also have the same issue. My account was due to renew on 1 jan and from since then it is expired. I tried two different cards and even contact support and they are not even replying on support ticket. I think apple deliberately doing with the devlopers living outside USA. I dont know what to do next. My top charts applications are down. Apple do something otherwise developer stop making apps for you.

Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program