Cannot Renew Apple Developer Membership

Hi Everyone,

I've been trying desperately to renew my Apple Developer membership for weeks without success.

Upon logging in, I receive the prompt below:

Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.

Renew your membership to keep your access to program benefits and services. Once renewed, be sure to agree to your Paid Applications Agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect.

After providing my information (identical to my enrollment information) and credit card details, I receive a notification and email stating my order has been received and will be processed within 48 hours. My credit card is not charged at any point (should it be charged immediately) and the prompt above still appears on my dashboard. I receive no communication after 48 hours and the prompt remains on the dashboard.

I have tried:

  • Contacting my bank - no issues their side.
  • Multiple credit cards - same issue.
  • Contacting Apple Dev Support (3 weeks ago) - they haven't been able to provide a solution after multiple back-and-forths.

I'm at a complete loss, and we desperately need to get back up and running so we can submit an app.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and I'd be happy to provide more information.



Are you in US or another country ?

I am in South Africa.

Did you manage to solve the problem? I can’t renew my membership either

I have the same issue. After month of trying to enroll with new and new credit cards and useless email chat with apple support still I cannot register developer account. Finally I created new account with other email, and tried to enroll, but with no luck.

After entering credit card information I again get an email "Thank you for your order, it will be processed within 2 business days", but money don't get charged and nothing happens again.

Yes, it is the same problem with me from Vietnam. I cannot use my credit cards to enroll new Apple developer accounts. All Apple supporters say is to use other type of payment and ask the bank to authorize the payment. That's incredible

I've managed to find the link showing my orders:

all of them are cancelled except the first one in the list, which is marked as "Enrollment Complete", but inside details it's still marked as:

Something went wrong.

There was a problem with your request. Please try again.

And now I can't pay with different credit card because of the message "duplicate order" showing up when I try to enter card details and process order again.

The bank support says that there were no any attempts to charge money from my card.

I don't know what to do.

We have the same issue and have been trying to pay for our membership renewal for about one month.

What we have understand during the period is that there is only one try to submit an order during one day.

You'll have "duplicate order" error if try to submit more then one payment in one day.

I have the same issue from India. Been trying from 3 months. The only solution I saw was here

I've requested more information, hopefully someone will answer

my apple developer account program enrollement has been created 1 month back but my 99 dollar payment is not going support on phone and email are not able to resolve my issue nor are they giving me a reason for my payments rejection...i have tried multiple creditcards and multiple apple id....can someone help me and give me their senior most person email id...,my entire app is delayed cause of this 99 dollar payments....i am amazed as to how a company like apple cannot come up with a solution oft aking my money for 30 days now !!!

while they support staff has been nice...they actually have no idea of why the payments is getting bank says they have never recived a payment request only from apple..!! i have also used those cards on popular international site and it has devoloper program is the only play i am facing an issue...

i am sure someone else from india also must have faced a similiar issue...

i have no idea what i can or should do...can anyone please help me !!

Does anybody here stay in US and have the same problem as us? I think only some countries have this issue

same problem from Vietnam

Me neither. If you know how to proceed, please teach me also.

Facing exact same issue here. I've been trying to renew my account for past 2 months without success and support team couldn't provide any solution either. They've extended membership by one month but that's going expire soon and the issue hasn't been resolved try with 6 different payment methods without any luck.
I've even created new account with differnt organisation and tried to activate the account. To my surrpise faced the same issue.
Completely lost at this point and they don't have any other way to make payment 😟

Same issue here, I'm located in Iceland.

I'm able to find the order on

it says: Enrollment Complete, and if I try to click on the order it shows an error page. "Something went wrong."

Can't believe this has been happening for so long, it must be affecting hundreds if not thousands of users?

The reason may be billing information. I faced with this issue 2 times (year 2017 and this year) because fill out new billing information. Afterward, I placed an other order with old billling information which I fill out in previous year and wait some minutes, and then my account was been renewed.

So, my solution, you try to fill out exactly billing information which you fill out one year ago.

Billing information doesn't work. Tried it 3 times. It says the bank is not authorizing the payment. Called the bank, no issue on their end.

I have same issues. Is there any solution now?

I'm also having this and been waiting on Apple support for 5+ days. I now have 3 days left.

I contacted them asking if I can use another card about 12 days before, when I got an notice saying it failed, and they replied 3 days later with this useless response:

Upon review, we found you had previous placed an order D001XXXX87, which is still processing. We are unable to obtain an authorization for the credit card you provided. Please contact your card issuing bank.

In the meantime, we will reattempt the charge every day for seven days, starting from when the order was first placed.

It's unacceptable. Why is it such a complicated process?

Case no: 101062004458

Hi, I have the same issue (Duplicate order) and I can't get a reply from Apple for over a week (I tried contacting different support branches, but I always got the same generic response about contacting my bank and there is no issue with my bank).
Did you manage to resolve this problem?


Case No: 101067206486

fix được chưa bạn, giờ mình cancel membership luôn đc ko ta?

Did you come right? I've tried so many times and no luck.

Also in South Africa

Yes, it is the same problem with me from Saudi Arabia , i am trying for more than 2 months
i have tried to create new account also with no result , the apple support keep telling me try using safari browser but that no solving the problem .

is there a solution to that ?
I'm located in Vietnam.
After changed to another credit card of another bank (VCB), I can renewed apple developer programming.
Yes I got the same issue also. And I still can't solve it yet.
Have the same problem. My account is due to expire, and my 2 payment attempts were cancelled without an attempt to charge the card. I know from different social media threads that many other Russian developers and developers from other countries suffer from the exact same issue and only support could help them by manually charging the card.

What make it worse for me is that the support leaves my requests unanswered. I have case numbers but they are useless, because there's no way for me to contact the support. (There's no phone call option on the dev support site).

This really is bad.
Cannot Renew Apple Developer Membership