The duplicated VPN Status in menu bar

I have implemeted on-demand device packet tunnel VPN provider on MacOS X, it works well but there is a minor issue for the VPN status in menu bar which enabled from this device VPN item of System network settings.

After sometime switched wifi from one to another, there are duplicated device VPN status item listed under the VPN status icon when end user click to it, mentioned "Disconnect the-device-VPN-profile-name", it is not happened every time wifi switching, but highly likely to reproduce the issue when I switch multiple time back and forth. And even though switch Wifi multiple times, I have never seen the status item be tripled or more, only two.

If I disable the "Show VPN status in menu bar" checkbox in VPN network setting and enable it again, then only one item wil be shown there correctly.

I searched this forum and found another post in this area (, but not sure if it is really related?

My packet tunnel VPN provider behaves as reconnecting to the backend VPN server automatically without closing the current VPN session(utun interface) when wifi switch, does that matter to this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Paul Ling

Thank's for reporting Paul. This needs to be captured in a bug report. Please make sure that you include all of the steps to reproduce you have itemized here as well as any possible screen shots. Please open the bug report using the Feedback Assistant and reply back on this thread with your bug number so I can copy myself on it.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at

The duplicated VPN Status in menu bar