Missing app name in native permission prompt with Apple Signin

We are currently using Apple signin in our app in production.
Our current implementation is on the backend with 2 api routes:
- One to redirect to the apple authorization url => https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize?client_id=***&redirect_uri=XXcallback&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code&scope=name%20emailhttps%3A%2F%2Fapi-staging.me2you.com%2Fapi%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fapple%2F
- One to receive the callback and send back the user token to the mobile app in order to complete login.
Everything is working well, we had more than 5k signin with AppleId in prod.
But, since we use it, the native prompt permission message shows my app name as "null"
Current display = >https://ibb.co/gjxtN6S
If I use the option "Use different Apple Id", it redirect the user to the web view, and in this case, I can clearly see the app name.
As you can see on this link, I am far to be the only one to raise this issue https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/issues/4580

Some users are complaining about this issue and we didnt succeed to fix it on our side. Hope it can be fixed, it affect the quality of our app.

Thanks in advance for any replies,


We're also facing the same issue. From what we can tell, this only affects the native auth view presented in Safari when visiting an Apple ID signin page. Can anyone from Apple assist us with this?

We are experiencing the same issue. Our SIWA is handled by Cognito.

Another person here having the same issue. I am also using AWS Cognito as my Sign in with Apple provider

Execuse me,I using Apple signin in our app in production too.When i use Phone number to Apple signin(+86),alert my AppleID is not exist.Did you face the same issue?

Please report this issue using Feedback Assistant.

I'm having this issue also. Any news from Apple side? It still showing null in the application.

Submitted the issue on 30 March, still no respond at all from Apple, many users are now affected by this issue. Can we have at least one update?
Feedback Id: FB7644747
Thanks in advance

Agreed - I see multiple threads with people using services like AWS Cognito and Auth0 running into this issue.

I reached out to AWS Cognito support yesterday and they responded with: "...unfortunately at this moment the issue is Pending from Apple and is currently out of control from Cognito."

Hopefully Apple is looking into this and will come back with a fix soon.

+1 I'm having the same issue. On my end the Apple dialog displays twice on the iOS device and the user has to tap Continue twice.

Any update on this issue? Also, is there any reason the Apple ID dialog is displaying twice, the first time with "null", the second time with "appleid.apple.com"?

Our project with Cognito and sign in with apple has the same issue. Any update ?

Missing app name in native permission prompt with Apple Signin