progress bar copying to iOS / iPadOS

What do you think the chances are of Apple providing some sort of progress bar when copying files to and from iOS / iPadOS devices from the finder?

Repeat the process with while holding the option key - do you see a copy progress bar then?

Also, please explain where you'd like to see a progress the Finder, on the device...?

Well it hasn't shown up on IpadOS 14 either. As a video content creator trying to use the Ipad for editing I find this is crazy that I have no real progress indicator when tranferring GB of Data to my ipad. Especialy since Apple is trying to push this so hard as all you need for most people.
Here is an excerpt from their own devolper recomendations.
"Favor progress bars over activity indicators. If activity is quantifiable, use a progress bar instead of an activity indicator so people can better gauge what’s happening and how long it will take"
Apple can you take your own advice and five us that? The spinning circle means nothing.
  • 1 To fix this. It's crazy make this kinds operations without progress indicator. Apple is

neglecting the details very often
I don't understand why would Apple have removed such as basic feature when replacing iTunes file transfer by Finder file transfer. It is fundamental to have a visual indication that the files are actually being copied, as it is very easy to think that the transfer is not occurring at all otherwise. This is a fundamental feature that needs to be implemented asap.
It's absolutely insane that Apple does not provide any kind of progress indication, completely disregarding their own fundamental recommendations to developers. It's completely beyond me that transferring files from an old ****** Windows 7 machine to my iPhone or iPad is the better experience, even though it still requires iTunes, at least I know something is happening and when it will finish.
I have noticed quite a few obvious "Windows" like things like this over the last few years creeping into MacOS. I suspect they are poaching from Microsoft and it shows. Most of the NeXT guys have certainly left the building.
Yep, just encountered this and this is, like so many other things since the post Steve Jobs era, absolutely crazy. A file copy operation without ANY kind of progress indicator. Seriously? And then, no "Copy" or any other options in the right-click menu... you HAVE to use Drag 'n Drop!!!
A progress bar is an absolute necessity. I'm copying 128GB from SD card to external hhd. No idea if it's doing it, or how long it will take. It failed the first time when copying individual files. Tried again with the whole folder, and WHO KNOWS? I didn't bother to check this beforehand. I just assumed, why would a copy file progress bar not be there in a product made for creative professionals???? Now 5 hours of client work is in jeopardy. Just SO unbelievable. Turns out, a 2020 12.9" iPad "pro" is not a suitable device for Pro media production. Not even close....
It's pretty frustrating to have no idea if the copy to an iOS device has either started or is in progress. The only way I could set up my own progress hint was to copy files across a dedicated LAN mounted file store (on the Mac) and run "netstat 1" from a terminal to see if data transfer was in progress. Netstat gives you an idea of the throughput so I had to run a progress bar in my head. If any other transfer is in progress across that LAN mount, it messes up the monitoring.

Another possibility was to use "iostat 5" and monitor transfers from a mounted disk.

It's pretty crazy to have to guess like this (not been fixed for over a year, across two MacOS major versions). Where's the file going? Did I drag the file into the right folder (no indication until all is complete). How close to capacity am I while copying? Who's the manager in charge of this utility? Enquiring minds want to know!

Same here. I cannot understand how one can implement a long operation and not giving the user a way to know when its over or how much as been already done. Progress bar have been here for decades. Who forgot them in this case and why has it not been fixed already?

I think chances are extremely small. Apple usually don't give a damn about user's complaints. If Apple devs made a bug - it's not a bug, it's a feature.

We do care about user complaints and feedback. Also, I checked in our internal issue tracker, and this feature has been discussed as recently as this month. I can't comment on the status of this feature, but the Files team is aware of this request.

With Monterey beta same problem.

I don't understand Apple.

No news ?? Just to add a poor bar Graph ? ah ok i know, it's just available from iphone 15 That's it ?

I have PURE SPECULATION, no idea if true, BUT:

What if a "progress bar" or "progress indicator" is some kind of patented technology that apple can no longer use without paying someone. So they intentionally removed it. They do get lots of lawsuits. OR... Apple has been moving away from allowing you to save/use your OWN CONTENT that you copied or made yourself and play it back on your apple devices. They have pushed really hard to make you use subscription services like Spotify or Apple Music so that they can turn everything into a stream. They really don't want you to collect or use any media, cept maybe pictures or home movies you make on the device.

when I was a kid in college I remember in the last lecture of the UI/UX fundamentals course that showing Progress indicators of ongoing tasks is one of the most important basics of good UX.

Where is this feature? There is no progress indicator at all? No ****** little wheel or teeny-tiny icon in the sidebar?

Did you know that the word cra p py is censorship worthy word? If I am saying it's Kra Ppé I am being polite...

Company worth $3 trillion, yet missing elementary feature like progress bar in 2022 + Ignoring user complaints every other update. WP Apple.

This is symptomatic of Apple's complete disregard for its users. They seem compelled to change things just for the sake of changing things, not because it makes things better. IMO, the Apple Music app is an abject failure as a piece of software. The user experience is truly awful in so many ways. What ***** made the decision to REMOVE a progress indicator of some form when copying files? This is a FUNDAMENTAL part of user interface design. Apple Music came with MacOS Catalina, which was launched in October 2019. Apple has had over TWO YEARS to add a progress indicator and they still haven't done it.

Apple obviously couldn't care less what their users ACTUALLY want...

I don't know what the actual solution would be, but I imagine adding an optional notification name parameter to FileManager would be an easy solution i.e. FileManager.default.copyItem(_ at: URL, _ to: URL, _ notification: Notification.Name?). This way if someone wanted to observe that notification they can query the object or userInfo to get bytes written and time remaining and create any kind of progress status they wanted. I've been digging into this myself and would like to find some kind of solution whether it be notifications, or the ability to perform KVO of FileManager while it working.

Four months later in 7/23/2022 and I'm a first time ipad air gen5 owner and found this OS a bit of a UX fail. All these terms are confusing as they don't do what the words suggest, e.g. Share, Export, Import, (lack of "download"), Save to image, Save to video, copy, a box logo with an up arrow (is it export? Share? Upload? FTW). So I connected to a SD card reader via USB, Save video, and nothing happens on the screen except my card reader has an LED read blinker to indicate it's reading, so I won't disconnect until I see the blinker stop. Is that the solution Apple? Sometimes while it's "Copying" it's freezes the whole OS. When I chose "Save Image/Save Video", it doesn't specify target folder. I went into file app to locate it, no where to be found. Until later I realized, you need to open Photo app to see that it's saved under this app in a obfuscated folder location only accessible by Photo App, or third party app that expects video uploads under this mysterious Photo app location, for one, youtube app on ipad is doing that. So, without even understanding how it works, first time trying to upload a video from youtube app, there's no video to be found, no way to access "On My Ipad" folder. As you know by now, I'm not an iphone user, and I later found out that was how iphone folder/OS structure is like, you snapped a video, it's under photo app, only photo app can access it. Here's more confusion, some other third party apps aren't smart enough to care about the photo app secret folder location, e.g. VLC app on ipad can't even play the video I "saved video" because it can't find it, and it can only open "On your Ipad" location. Over all, it just seems that this whole product line is half baked, hardware wise is impressive, the OS and UX is dumb as ******. Sorry, I vented, but I'm trying to add to the users voice here so apple deverlopers/managers can prioritize their tasks. Otherwise, if the competitor hardware is more superior, I'm gone. And eff your icloud default settings and backup out of space annoying notification. Also I forgot to mention, "Delete" option under File app has no confirmation modal. The moment you tap delete, it's gone. What if I accidentally tap delete? Even Recently deleted can't recover a USB device "delete".

Apple, any news on this? Very frustrating not knowing if my file is copying or not and how long I have to wait (sometime a very long time on large files). Cmd+C and Cmd+v does not work… it would be nice to see a real file manager for ios from a mac… Airdrop is just not reliable, especially for large files.

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

Any news on this? is very frustrating trying to send 90GB of ProRaw video over Airdrop with constant drops and via Lighting is impossible to know when I could get the video and start to work.

Hope they fix this bug soon.

I found a workaround, I'm using and old mac to transfer files.

So my 12 years old Macbook is the star of my workflow.

This is so cool...

progress bar copying to iOS / iPadOS