Failed to register bundle identifier

Im getting the error "Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "org.homeaidessentialsutah.homeaidessentialsapp" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again." The bundle identifier is saved under my bundle identifiers. Need help!

Same here. I was building nicely the project, but soon as i included a UIImageView object, the error pops up. Even after adding my account so that the team signing-in can be managed automatically, i still get the error "Failed to register bundle identifier"

I got the same problem. After studying the answers here, I double-checked the Bundle Identifier in both my Xcode and my developer account. I found that they are slightly different -- one of them has a capital letter while another has all lowercased chars. After I align the one in Xcode to the one in my developer account, this problem disappeared.

In my case, the original bundle identifier was lowercase. I created a new version of the project, and entered the app name with an initial uppercase letter. When I corrected the typo, I was able to submit the app.

The solution is to ditch Xcode and use a proper development platform like Flutter to do your development work; I'm moving away from Xcode... Xcode is dysfunctional... So many bugs and nothing works; release after release with no new features; only bugs.

Three very simple steps:

  1. Find the directory where XCode locally stores Provisioning Profiles (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles)
  2. Delete all of the files in that folder that have the suffix ".mobileprovision" (Fear not. The profiles can be downloaded again).
  3. Try again to create the profile.

In my case it was a simple oversight... Xcode was trying to run the program on my phone (which wasn't connected) instead of the simulator. Once I changed it back to the simulator, it worked just fine

Hello, have tried more suggestions, finally following suggestion has worked: changing the "Bundle Identifier" within targets/Build Settings/All/Signing

You must ensure all signing identifier are same.

Failed to register bundle identifier