Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)

Xcode: 11.4.1

Device: iPhone 6s Plus
iOS: 13.5

Error: "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device."

I'm trying to deploy a simple HelloWorld app to my iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 13.5 from Xcode 11.4.1 but I keep getting the popup saying "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device." Xcode recognizes that the device is connected and the phone shows that its charging so I don't think it's a cable issue. Furthermore, I was able to deploy to this device two days ago when it was still running iOS 13.2. The issue started happening after I updated to 13.5. I'm not sure if the update is causing the issue but it seems that way. What can I do to get past this deployment issue?

My iPhone's OS is iOS 14.2 and
Xcode version was 14.1 and i had this problem.
I updated Xcode to 14.2 and now it works.
So is Apple forcing us to update to the latest version?!! I can not connect iPhone after Apple releases a new version!!!
It worked before! And now Xcode gives this crap to me:

The current device configuration is unsupported. This iPhone 8 (Model A1863, A1905, A1906, A1907) is running iOS 14.2 (18B92), which is not supported by Xcode 12.1.
Code: 601
Recovery Suggestion: To run on this device, please update to a version of Xcode that supports iOS 14.2. You can download Xcode from the Mac App Store or the Apple Developer website.

Same problem with ...

Xcode 12.3 (12C33) on iMac 5k 2017 (Big Sur 11.1) and
iPad Pro 11", 1st Gen, wit iPadOS 14.3

Unpairing and unpluging and re-plugging/re-trusting the iPad to the iMac did not work. Xcode could not deploy app to the iPad.

Shutting down the iPad and restarting the iPad did the job immediately!

Same problem with iOS 14.2 + Xcode 12.1.

Updated iOS to 14.3 and Xcode to 12.3 to solve the problem.

I have given up on submitting apps to Apple and changed jobs because Apple make it so hard to maintain software, particularly as it takes hours and hours if not days to solve the problems they create. I am a paying customer, even having to pay to be a developer and yet their arrogance knows no bounds. When I first started with Apple they were a technology company for technologists. Now they are a marketing brand only interested in dollars. Very disappointing.

Hi, everyone,

I have solve this promble as follow:(Mac version:10.15.7 (19H1217), iPhone version:iOS14.2, Xcode version: Xcode12.1)

  1. Downloaded file from iPhoneOSDeviceSupport/iOS14.2
  2. Unzip it;
  3. Close Xcode;
  4. Copy and paste unziped folder by path:/Applications/
  5. Restart Xcode

Notice: If there are same error when run Xcode project, please restart Mac and run Xcode project again.

Hope it could help you!

Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)