Is there any way to download xcode in multiple files rather than 1 big 7.5 GB file?

Weird scenario, but I am stuck in quarantine with a bad internet that cannot be fixed till the lockdown is eased. I decided to learn Xcode during this time and recently updated my Macbook Air 2015 model to Catalina OS and tried to get Xcode from the app store.

Due to the bad internet, it takes 12-14 hours to get downloaded and then I get the message: "Unable to download xcode please try again later". This has happened twice and seems to be an issue reported by multiple users in forums. Based on their suggestions, I have removed all previous traces of Xcode and still no luck.

Someone suggested downloading directly as a file from the developer website and again with my terrible and unreliable internet, it started downloading the 7.5 GB file and stopped after 2 GB of download, meaning i have to start again.

Is there any way to solve this? Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question and thanks for any helpful replies.

No, all you could do is ask some one to download, split the file in parts and let you get them.

Have you selected the best time in the day where traffic is lower so that download comes faster ?Typically from midnight to noon in your local time.

Stay at your Mac to monitor the download, and when you see download going too slow (remaining time increasing), stop and restart again download with the small buttons in the progress window.

May be you could download an older version, 10.0 or 10.1 that will work on Catalina and weight "only" 5.4 or 5.6 GB instead of 8.2 for the very last 11.4.1. If it is for starting to learn, that may be OK.

You should download from here:

Good luck.

The download is one file...a package. The only cure for poor internet where you are is to go someplace else, but you need a full fix, not a bandaid. We can't help with that.

Probably, the most important is this:

Stay at your Mac to monitor the download, and when you see download going too slow (remaining time increasing), stop and restart again download with the small buttons in the progress window.

It is because download stops for too long that you get the error. Stopping and resuming download before it fails should help (bu be prepared for long hours in front of your Mac). And make sure you have plenty of disk space available (50 GB at least) to install XCode.

Is there any way to download xcode in multiple files rather than 1 big 7.5 GB file?