ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature

After uploading a new App to the App Store Connect i receive an e-mail stating:

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature - The bundle '...' at bundle path 'Payload/...' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

The App don't use any capability.

I've used Xcode to upload, as in a previous App which now is on the App Store.

All the apps use the default configuration: "Automatically manage signing", Provisioning profile "Xcode Managed Profile", Signing Certificate Apple Development: ############

The requested Signing Certificate is present in the keychain in 3 versions, the last one is valid (the older 2 are revoked).

What I should correct?


Same here... Suddenly, the fastlane+Bitrise pipeline stopped working today with errors like

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature - The bundle 'com.firstagenda.edagsordenqa' at bundle path 'Payload/' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

It seems to fail randomly. I would suggest resubmitting builds several times. Half of the submitted builds failed for us today.


We just got one build trough now as well! Finally waiting for review. We did not do a single change to this build, just hit rebuild in bitrise (CLI).
Hope this is fixed as well (we also sent a support request, waiting for reply)


Same here





We were running into this issue earlier today with our iOS app. We retried the build again and App Store Connect just finished processed the build, so the issue might be fixed now.

Same here

Same issue here, we are blocked without any information on how to debug this.

Working fine until yesterday, we didn't do any particular change to the signing or to the certificates.


I tried just now 2 times and still failing. Trying 3rd time now.
