ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature

After uploading a new App to the App Store Connect i receive an e-mail stating:

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature - The bundle '...' at bundle path 'Payload/...' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

The App don't use any capability.

I've used Xcode to upload, as in a previous App which now is on the App Store.

All the apps use the default configuration: "Automatically manage signing", Provisioning profile "Xcode Managed Profile", Signing Certificate Apple Development: ############

The requested Signing Certificate is present in the keychain in 3 versions, the last one is valid (the older 2 are revoked).

What I should correct?

We're also experiencing the same issue with Azure Devops / Fastlane, some builds are signed and uploaded without any issues to TestFlight, and others are not. Seems completely arbitrary.


Same for me today.

The build was failed every time I try on Jun 4, but I have one success upload and processing today without any changes except the build number.


That is definitely not the issue all of us are having. I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I am using Azure DevOps and Fastlane on a hosted build machine. There is nothing on the machine until I run my build, and it downloads the one cert it needs. There are no other certs on the machine when the build runs. Hopefully Apple keeps trying to find an actual solve for this, because that is not the correct one.



Dealing with the same issue. No expired certs in the keychain, just the one App Store distribution cert. Random failures intermittently with the missing or invalid signature error.

Revoking my certificate and provision profile seem to fix it

+1, happening to us as well

Any update on how to fix this issue?

I recently upgraded th Xcode to 11.5 and got the same issue. And my project is Automatically mamage signing.

My solution:

  1. Exit Xcode.
  2. Remove the corresponding provisioning profiles from the mac.
  3. Remove the old DerivedData of my project.
  4. Re-open the Xcode.
  5. Clean.
  6. Waiting for the Xcode to process the signning automatically.
  7. Archive and try to upload the build again. And it works.

Looks like it was caused by the old provisioning profiles in my mac.

I'm glad that solved it for you, but I will echo again that at least some of the folks on this thread are using a build machine that we do not manage, and one that is supposed to be a completely blank slate whenever we run a build. Therefore, I don't believe cert or provisioning profiles being cached is the issue that some of us are being faced with. It is tough to tell if that is even the issue that anyone is facing, since the issue doesn't happen every time. It only happens SOME of the time.

+1 Didn't change anything and got the error.

Update: Still getting builds rejected for invalid signature occasionally, but now the order is different. Build is uploaded, processed by Apple, submitted to TestFlight and then I get the nofitication of invalid signature. Additionally build is now marked as invalid in the activity tab.

Previously build was uploaded and rejected during Apple processing. Build did not appear in the activity tab.

Same problem here, really frustrating because my update has some fixes for potentially crtiical bugs. I did not change anything in regards to signing or the profiles.

I also tried (after it has been rejected for the first time) to create new profiles. Unfortunately it did not solve the issue.

Yesterday my app passed the initial check and I could select the build. But after submitting it for review, it was rejected manually for the same reason.


After five rejected builds, I deleted everything. I created new provisioning profiles etc, cleared all caches and rebuilt the app.

It looks like App Store Connect is happy now.


Has your issue been resolved? All of our apps have now failed due to the signing error.

Fastlane is able to upload the .ipa's, we notice that the build is in processing mode but is then removed from the portal with no further details.

We have also tried to manually upload via Xcode but with the same error results.

+1 Nothing changed and I got the error. Apple got an update of a fix?

I ran into this issue a few days ago myself for the first time. I ended up...

  • Deleting all certificates in Keychain Access from that team
  • Revoking all certificates in the Developer Portal for that team
  • Recreating all certificates and provisioning profiles in the Developer Portal for that team and app identifier


+1 with builds randomly failling with this processing error



ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature