AES256 decryption in iOS - tutorial with swift

Hello, I am looking for a *** tutorial/sample code*** for adding functionality of AES 256 decrytion/encryption into ios 13 app using swift 4+.

I have looked into many places without much success and I would prefer to use Apple framework instead of for example

I have searched for this information for some time so any help would be very valuable. Thank you.

I found the the following sample code:

howerver, I am looking for AES256 encryption/decryption examples. Any help would be very useful. Thank you.

What flavour of AES?

If you want to do AES-ECB or AES-CBC, you’ll need CommonCrypto. If want to do AES-GCM (which is generally what I recommend) you’ll need Apple CryptoKit.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Hi Quinn, Thank you for quick response. I am interested in all three flavours (AES-ECB, AES-CBC, AES-GCM) for AES-256.

where can I find code examples of each flavour with swift binding / ios13 ? Thank you in advance.

The best (IMO, but I’m biased :-) examples of using CommonCrypto for AES-ECB and AES-CBC are in the CryptoCompatibility sample code.

Note These are in Objective-C, and converting them to Swift is a bit tricky. Pasted in below is an example of such a conversion.

For an example of encrypting with AES-GCM:

  1. Get the Performing Common Cryptographic Operations playground.

  2. Switch to the Encrypting Data page.

  3. Change

  4. Add an exclamation mark to the end of line 26 (the

    property on
    returns an optional value [1] whereas the same property on
    is non-optional).

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

[1] You get back

if the
has the wrong size.
import Foundation
import CommonCrypto

final class QCCAESCryptor: Operation {

    init(plainText: Data, key: Data) {
        self.op = CCOperation(kCCEncrypt)
        self.input = plainText
        self.key = key

    init(cypherText: Data, key: Data) {
        self.op = CCOperation(kCCDecrypt)
        self.input = cypherText
        self.key = key

    private let op: CCOperation
    let input: Data
    let key: Data

    var iv: Data? = nil

    private(set) var result: Result<Data, Error>? = nil

    private override init() {

    override func main() {
        self.result = Result<Data, Error> {
                self.input.count.isMultiple(of: kCCBlockSizeAES128),
                [kCCKeySizeAES128, kCCKeySizeAES192, kCCKeySizeAES256].contains(self.key.count),
                self.iv.flatMap({ $0.count == kCCBlockSizeAES128 }) ?? true
            else {
                throw NSError(domain: Self.errorDomain, code: kCCParamError, userInfo: nil)
            var result = Data(count: self.input.count)
            let ecbMode = self.iv == nil
            let effectiveIV = self.iv ?? Data(count: kCCBlockSizeAES128)
            var resultCount = 0
            let err = self.input.withUnsafeBytes { inputBuf in
                self.key.withUnsafeBytes { keyBuf in
                    effectiveIV.withUnsafeBytes { ivBuf in
                        result.withUnsafeMutableBytes { resultBuf in
                                CCOptions(ecbMode ? kCCOptionECBMode : 0),
                                ecbMode ? nil : ivBuf.baseAddress!,
            guard err == kCCSuccess else {
                throw NSError(domain: Self.errorDomain, code: kCCParamError, userInfo: nil)
            result.count = resultCount
            return result

    static let errorDomain = "QCCAESCryptorErrorDomain"
You can check README for AES examples:

the simplest form is this one-liner:

Code Block swift
let encrypted = try AES(key: key, blockMode: CBC(iv: iv), padding: .pkcs7).encrypt(plaintext)

AES-256 requires 32 bytes long key.
More complete example (AES-256-CBC), with a key generation out of password would be something along the lines.

Code Block swift
let password: [UInt8] = Array("s33krit".utf8)
let salt: [UInt8] = Array("nacllcan".utf8)
/* Generate a key from a `password`. Optional if you already have a key */
let key = try PKCS5.PBKDF2(
password: password,
salt: salt,
iterations: 4096,
keyLength: 32, /* AES-256 */
variant: .sha256
/* Generate random IV value. IV is public value. Either need to generate, or get it from elsewhere */
let iv = AES.randomIV(AES.blockSize)
/* AES cryptor instance */
let aes = try AES(key: key, blockMode: CBC(iv: iv), padding: .pkcs7)
/* Encrypt Data */
let inputData = Data()
let encryptedBytes = try aes.encrypt(inputData.bytes)
let encryptedData = Data(encryptedBytes)
/* Decrypt Data */
let decryptedBytes = try aes.decrypt(encryptedData.bytes)
let decryptedData = Data(decryptedBytes)

beside README, there's playground you can take a look at CryptoSwift.playground
AES256 decryption in iOS - tutorial with swift