How much will the Apple TV Developer Kit Cost?

I understand there is a verification fee of $1, but if selected will we also be charged the cost of an Apple TV?

(If there is, that's totally fair! I'm just clarifying).

Answered by Documentation Engineer in 51332022

I can confirm that you will only be charged the $1 for the development kit.

We're really excited to be able to provide this opportunity to get your hands on this new hardware in advance of it being generally available. Can't wait to see what amazing apps you all come up with! 🙂

I'd strongly encourage everybody to register to receive one (provided you meet the eligibility requirements). You can do so here:

Hey, I know the site said that developers with apps on the store would be prioritised.. How does this work with development agencies (like the one I work for) who have worked with some clients who an Apple TV app would be VERY useful for.. I'd love to see us being able to work with them to create something for this new platform but I don't want us to miss out on the chance of getting a Dev Kit because we don't upload the apps to the store :(

Thanks for your answer, that's really exciting!

How many units of Apple TV Developer Kit are available?

Thanks so much for this opportunity that Apple give to Developers.


Hi, I missed the deadline, and I wasn't aware of this until now.

If Apple wants to send our company an Apple TV Developer Kit (Late 2015), we would love to have one so we can prototype.

Our company meets the requirements. Please contact us at


Apple isn't going to respond to your request.

You've missed the deadline.

I just be aware of Apple TV Developer Kit, so sadly we need to wait until ATV can be purchased in Apple Store , isnt' it?

For future times... How did you announce this kind of opportunities?

In this case, the Developer Kit link is (as of the time I write this, it's still there) shown in the top page of tvOS.

If you are interested in development for tvOS, you should read tvOS pages in the developer site carefully.

SHOCKED at the price! Happy to see devs getting some love 🙂.

normally they start sending devs who are sellected emails about how to get the dev kit

i so hope i will get one but with my apps i will never be selected (8 apps online, 1 waiting for review and 1 in development, for apple tv, iOS and mac)

but will everyone get an email, also if they are not selected ?

and apple, please allow us in a month or so to purchase the new apple tv at its regular price so we can all start developing our apps and test them on this amazing new device

i will be more then happy to pay the $149 for that device

Who gets until now email?:)

Just got mine. It's $1 plus tax, which was 8 cents for me.

No email yet, positive or negative

I just got my email. I live in the United Kingdom. I clicked on the link in the email to submit my order but was unable to put in my address. It would only let me put in a USA address. Does anyone know if the Apple TV Developer Kit is not available for the United Kingdom?

I did. First time in my life that i feel lucky! good luck to everyone. I love Apple!

I live in Denmark and was so lucky to get one and my addresse was just fine.

Can't wait to recieve my new AppleTV Developer Kit.

How much will the Apple TV Developer Kit Cost?