iOS 7 simulator in Xcode 7 GM

Is there a way to use the iOS 7 simulators in the Xcode 7 GM? I know that the iOS 7 simulators weren't supported in the Xcode 7 beta (maybe only on the El Capitan beta?), but I thought that it might be supported once Xcode 7 was out of beta. I am not lucky enough to own enough spare iOS devices to have one of each screen size running iOS 7, and I need to take some screenshots for the launch images. My app is built using Swift (and has been converted to Swift 2), so the only option I can think of it to install a simultor for OS X 10.10, download Xcode 6.4, and create a new project just for the screenshots, but this doesn't seem like a long-term solution.

Will there be an option to use the iOS 7 simulators with Xcode 7 and El Capitan?

Why don't you take your screenshots in iOS 9 Simulator?

The screenshots are for the launch images and some of the UI elements have changed size since iOS 7 (UITabBars for example)

The iOS 7.1 Simulator runtime is not compatible with Xcode 7 GM.

Will I be able to install iOS 7.1 Simulator after Xcode 7 will be released?

I want to test my app in iOS 7.1 Simulator too!


I also need to test my app in iOS7.1!

I have to ensure the proper functioning in iOS7.1, being the Xcode 7 has been removed iOS7.1 simulator, what solutions are there? Can'I have installed both Xcode 7 and Xcode 6.4 on the same Mac?



Keep an install of Xcode 6 on your system. When you need to test under iOS7, rename the Xcode 7 and Xcode 6 installs so the Xcode 6 is the active one.

How can I run the App compiled with XCode 7 in the Xcode 6 ios 7.1 Simulator without recompiling with XCode 6 ? I obviously need to test the App that I will release (so compiled with XCode 7) on iOS 7.1.


Thanks for the info. The Xcode 7beta 6 release notes had this line "Xcode 7.0 beta now supports downloadable legacy simulators. (20699475)" and I don't see that anywhere now in the GM release notes. Has this been removed all together?


The 8.x legacy sims are available, but iOS 7.1 Simulator won't ever work on El Cap. There are bugs preventing it from working in Xcode 7 (on Yosemite).

  1. Build it with Xcode 7.
  2. Use xcode-select to select your Xcode 6.
  3. Boot your device in the Xcode 6 Simulator.
  4. Use 'xcrun simctl install booted /path/to/the/app' to install what you built in step 1.

Hi, how do I build to my ios 7.1.2 devices using Xcode 7 ?

Jeremy, if someone where to do that (like me) they'll stare at a terminal that prints:

Usage: simctl install <device> <path>

Instead they also need to provide the "<device>" which really is the GUID for the simulator where you wish to install the built app product.

So to update Jeremy's tip, you must remember to add the GUID before the path to your built app bundle (usually found within the DerivedData labyrinth:

4. Use 'xcrun simctl GUID-FOR-SIMULATOR /path/to/the/app' to install what you built in step 1.

I just built to my iOS 8.4 simulator and was able to install the built app into the iOS 7.1 simulator.

Hi, could you please clarify: is it possible to install and run a Swift 2 app in iOS 7.1 simulator? I succed with install, but once I try to run the app it presents only splash screen and retrun back to the home screen.

I see APP_NAME.swiftmodule at the app/s build folder and I/m wondering if it also should be copied to the simulator?

That is useful information jeremyhu, thank you.

How can one test iOS 7 without the support in the Xcode simmulator? Any ideas?

I would like to test my web application, considering there is still a large number of users with iOS 7.

Thanks for your help! 🙂

Users who using ios 7.1 are writing comment to my app," its not opening"... how can i test my app in 7.1 . Please add ios 7.1 support to xcode 7.

iOS 7 simulator in Xcode 7 GM