Xcode for iPad Pro

I am curious Apple is pushing iPad Pro to Enterprise. Are they planning to make xcode available on iPad Pro?

That is would be great to have XCode for iPad Pro.

For the haters Swift Playgrounds for iPad iOS10. Not XCode.. Yet.. But you guys gotta stop saying stuff can't be done. "Goonies never say die"

Has anyone heard anything about at least plans to run XCode on the new IPad Pro? because that would be the only reason I would buy the IPad Pro at that price

I'm surprised, iPad pro is very powerful but unfortunately comparing with its rival "Microsoft surface", it's suffer from a fundamental issue and that is its operating system. Surface uses such OS which is used in an usual laptop or PC; So user can install EVERY software that use in his laptop or PC, on his Surface as well without any concerns!

I hope some day this makes happen for iPad pro too. ( i.e it uses OSX which is used in macbook or mac, instead of iOS). After that we'll be able to install/use all of our applications and program which are used on our macbook, on our iPad pro as well!

Put macOS on a tablet and watch MBP sales drop...instant cannibalizationn of the better revenue stream. Why would Apple do that when they've got both streams paying off now.

MS would love to have Apple's razor and blades business model, except for all the hardware vendors they'd break promise to, but even if they can't sell razors, at least they still have loads of blades to push.

New MBPs to be announced soon, I think, so devs rejoice 😉

Visual Studio for Mac is based on Xamarin, right?

Dear Apple, It is time. Sincerely, Your loyal dev community.

Give it up - it's time.

The only reason I am not investing in an iPad pro is because it does not run Xcode. Since I am not an artist and I am not interested in playing games, I cannot justify spending $700+ on a device that I can use to surf the web or watch netflix on. When Xcode comes to iPad, I will too.

As a workaround and not a solution there are a couple options I've looked into but haven't tried yet:



Clearly not a solution but could help the on-the-go dev prior to some kind of "XcodeLite"

Parallels is another option...

Agreed; I want XCode and - more importantly to me - the ability to run a proper Node engine for development on an iPad pro. It's really the only thing keeping me from getting one; I can't use it for proper development. Saving text files to a Dropbox account, and doing a bunch of server side chicanery to get the ability to edit code on an iPad is NOT the same experience and is, to me, completely useless.

I love my MacBook Pro and iMac, but I don't need all this if the iPad Pro - even a super beefy one at high cost - can do what I need.

Apple....? You hearing us?

Fully agreed.

I also agree. I'm leaning towards buying an iPP and XCode for iPad would make the decision really easy.

Considering that Swift Playgrounds on iPad is what made me download XCode for Mac in the first place...

I could imagine that file management is a hurdle that yet needs to be taken.

Maybe when the first quirks have been ironed out of the new Files app for iOS, XCode will follow?

I also expect Xcode for iPad Pro

Be sure to add your bug report number to your comment for reference when you make that tools request.

With the addition of a file system to iOS 11, how far behind can Xcode be? Will it happen now?

There does seriously need to be a push for XCode for iPad Pro. I have a macbook but don’t always want to be lugging that about. Come on Apple listen to the devs and sort this out.

this is what I do:

keep my mbp hooked up at home with teamviewer running.

i take my LTE iPad Pro with teamviewer anywhere and can run XCode, visual studio, or adobe premiere, pro tools, etc...

not not all features on every app translate but this saves me a lot of time and unplugging.

Now that photoshop is here,xcode is probably not far away.

I think so too! and I hope xcode works on the iPad pro.


With Big Sur, Apple should make xcode available in ipad pro.
I'd pay $100 for the option to command line with xcode on ipad.
There is an iPad app that can write code. I don't know if it has the same functions as xcode.
but if this gets you out of a problem you can try.
I leave the app link.

Code App
please apple add xcode, or other software development environments like vs. code., eclipse for. ipad pro,
So that cs student will think of buying ipad. pro more.
Xcode for iPad Pro