About Organization Identifier

Hi everyone,

I'm at the very beginning as a iOS Developer, but ready to create my First App.

I still have a lots of questions in mind, but for the moment I'll start with one that I really need to know exactly whats about.

I have Enrolled myself as Individual. I have read that my Name it will gonna be use as a Comapny Name / Organization Name, if i mistake please someone to correct me. Ok, so far so good, but what Exactly i should put to the Organization Identifier when I'm going to create a new Project in Xcode?

Kindly Regards,

Answered by jsslai in 55068022

I've usually used com.myname as a identifier but you can choose whatever you want.

Accepted Answer

I've usually used com.myname as a identifier but you can choose whatever you want.

So, i can make up a Bundle name? And where this it will be shown this Bundle Identifier?

This Bundle Name will be taken as identifier of App when Submit to App Store?

Thank you,

About Organization Identifier