tvOS - Invalid Image Asset errors when Uploading to App Store...

Hi all,

My tvOS archive is validating perfectly but when I try to upload to the store I am getting a series of confusing errors mostly associated with my App Icon - Small. The errors are as follows:

ERROR ITMS-90523: "Invalid Image Asset. The image... can't have a transparent background layer --- which it does not.

ERROR ITMS-90531: "Invalid Image Asset. The image... must have a background layer that is 400x240 pixels background layer --- which it does.

ERROR ITMS-90532: "Invalid Image Asset. The image... has an incorrectly positioned background layer --- which is an unknown because I didn't set any position.

ERROR ITMS-90528: "Invalid Image Asset. The image... has an invalid scale of '0'. Home screen assets are allowed scale values of ("1") --- which is confusing as I am not sure how to set its scale value.

and also

ERROR ITMS-90497: "Invalid Image Asset. The image asset 'Top Shelf Image"... must be opaque --- which it is.

Anyone else running into this or have any suggestions?


I just opened the "transparent" ones in preview, exported it by selecting "remove alpha" and got it to work.

Same issue no solution (tried the transperacy one still doesn't help)

The error message can sometimes report the wrong asset as having transparency. It's worth checking all your background layers for transparency (or replacing them with jpegs)

Hello, this is how i solved it. My icons have 3 layers (front, middle and back) the front and middle i have as png's with transparency. The back layer is a jpeg( no transparency) . All the icons i did this way and the topshelf and launch image were jpgs. Then it worked!

Best solution is to use Photoshop's "Save to Web" feature. When exporting the back layer be sure to turn "Transparancy" off, and leave it on for the front and mid layers.


Remove the alpha channels from your PNG image:

10.11.1 seems to have removed this feature from Preview??

tvOS - Invalid Image Asset errors when Uploading to App Store...