Apple TV won't restore

Plug my TV into iTunes, hit restore then get this error:

"The Apple TV software update server could not be contacted. The Requested resource was not found."

Does anyone know if this is a common issue or just busy servers on Apple's end, or is there something I have to do on my end?

Accepted Reply

I am getting the same thing, but it looks like you can download it and do it yourself. I am about to do this


I am getting this error also

I am getting the same thing, but it looks like you can download it and do it yourself. I am about to do this

Make sure that you have the HDMI cable unplugged from the back of your AppleTV when you are trying to do a restore. If the AppleTV is plugged into a TV then it won't do the restore.

I had this exact problem this afternoon and unplugging the TV cable immediately fixed it.

The newest version of iTunes will not allow the manual restore even if you download. Command button does not prompt to locate IPSW file either.


Same issue here. Trying the suggested download and install.


In case anyone is wondering how to select the ipsw file for manual restore, the trick it hold down the "Option" button when clicking on the restore button.

I just tried this with no luck, going to try manually restoring with the IPSW now.

Do you get the App Store with the 13T396 ipsw install?

I found a URL in an xml file itunes downloads when attempting to restore. 922 MB,3_9.0_13T396_Restore.ipsw

UPDATE: Contains the App Store.

Yes. At least I did.

I don't see any .ipsw file in this zip download. Oh, the .zip file needs to be renamed to have a .ipsw extension.

Same happen to me. Checked versions of iTunes, Mac OS. Nothing helped.

Will try to download and install manualy. Hope there is no unclear steps to do it, though.

Yep! Same problem here.... I did the manula download shown above and did the "OPTION" key hold while running "RESTORE" in iTunes and that does it!!!! I tried everything to get the Apple TV to update to the release version, including removed the HDMI cable, repower everything several times, reconnect to my network... bascially everything you can think of. THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS SEEMS TO BE MANUAL RESTORE!!!!

I am getting the same thing, but it looks like you can download it and do it yourself. I am about to do this

I'm having the same issue. Steps to fix.

- Click the AppleTV Resore link that xinsight posted to download the ipsw file

- Open up ITunes

- Click your AppleTV

- Hold down the "OPTION" key and click "Restore Apple TV..."

- File dialog will appear. Double click the downloaded ipsw file