Xcode 7.1.1 Free Space error while 15.4gb Free on Macbook Air.


I'm getting an free space problem when trying to download and install Xcode 7.1.1 from AppStore.

I had more than 15Gb free on disk. Does any one know what can be going on ?

iOS : El Captain
Macbook Air : A1465

Thanks !

Have a look at About This Mac → Storage tab. You might see a purple segment labeled "Backups." That's the local Time Machine cache, and it doesn't show up in the Finder's free space display because it can theoretically be purged if that space is needed. I had to clean this up myself because it was getting out of hand for me. I ended up just disabling the local snapshots altogether using this Terminal command: sudo tmutil disablelocal. This will disable the local snapshots and delete it all from your system. If you at some point in the future want it back, you can re-enable it using this command: sudo tmutil enablelocal

Thanks for your response.

That's the picture :

Others : 28,91GB

Aplications : 13,99GB

Pictures : 4,27GB

Movies : 1,15GB

Music : 1,11GB

Backups : 184Mb

Will search for this Pictures, movies and audio becouse i don't know where are them. But it's a start !

Thanks !

15GB free isn't nearly enough.

The OS needs swap space from 8GB ~ 12GB, then you need space to unpack and hold that .dmg while reading to install.

Shoot for 25GB free, at least, but only in a pinch...double that for routine safety.. And if you can't keep that going, it's time to get a larger/additional HD/SSD.

As welll, max the physical ram.

I Did IT !!!!

Thank's Every Body !!!!!

16.4Gib was enougth to install !!!!! Let's GOOOOOOO !!!!

The last Giga was removing ScreenSsavers and Desktop Wallpapers from the System Folder !

Again ... Thank's and SEEYA !

You 'da man 😉 - a squeaker, no doubt. Keep at it.

Good luck w/your dev'ing.

Xcode 7.1.1 Free Space error while 15.4gb Free on Macbook Air.