Xcode 4.6 hangs on loading

I installed OS X 10.7.5 and Xcode 4.6.3 on a several-years-old macbook (2 GB memory)

I double click on the Xcode icon in the Applications folder and get the "Welcome to Xcode" window with four options -- Create a new ..., Connect to ..., Learn about ... and Go to ... I select "Create a new Xcode project" and get a new window with the "Choose a template for your new project" dialogue. At the top of the window is the indicator showing "Loading." The loading never stops.

I select the Single View Application under iOS/Application and click the Next button. I get the "Choose options for your new project" dialogue and the loading continues. The Next button remains disabled when I fill in Product Name, etc. The loading continues forever.

At this point I'm totally hung up.

Ideas would be appreciated.

Answered by KMT in 102409022

Such an old toolset is going to be hard to find support for today. I suspect your frustration is just getting started.

Xcode 5.1.1 is minimum required for submittal to the store at this time.

Current Xcode is 7.2

Good luck.

Where did you install Xcode? Did you rename it? How much free space on that drive? Do you realize you cannot submit apps to the store with that version Xcode?

Xcode 4.6 hangs on loading