Create native WatchOS app

Hi, a few hours ago I downloaded Xcode 7 beta and I was wondering if I could start developing a native WatchOS app. According to WWDC 15 presentation I understood I could but, when I get to Xcode -> New Project, the only option for WatchOS I can choose is: "iOS App with WatchKit App". Am I missing something or I can't do an only-watch app? Thanks.

Hi !

Yep you're missing it 😉 native apps are always linked to an parent iOS app for now. what's native is that watchkit code is now executed on watch.

so it's the same way that before, Apple does the Job.

what you have to do is call Webservices via the watch kit app for exemple. instead of calling the parent app.

I was thrown off by the "WatchKit App" terminoligy used, too. I was expecting there to be a "watchOS app" option. But the WatchKit app selection is what you want.

All watch apps linked against watchOS 2.0 will install the Watch Extension on the watch vs on the device. Here's a link to the relevant transition guide:

watchOS 2 Transition Guide

Create native WatchOS app