Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE

I am compiling my app in the new Xode7-beta and getting these errors

ld: warning: URGENT: all bitcode will be dropped because '***' was built without bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. Note: This will be an error in the future.

Where in Xcode does one set this?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of Dr_Ravi Down vote post of Dr_Ravi


Same issue here. 44 warnings!!! Yikes!

"When bitcode is enabled for a target, all the objects, static libraries and user frameworks used when linking that target must contain bitcode. Otherwise, an error or a warning will be issued by the linker. (Note: missing bitcode is currently a warning for iOS, but it will become an error in an upcoming beta release of Xcode 7.) ENABLE_BITCODE should be consistently turned on for all the targets. If you use a library or framework provided by a third party, please contact the vendor for an updated version which contains bitcode."

Thanks, Paxos.

Yes, third party library is being used and was worried, if there was setting that was not set correctly.

Would be nice, if the xocde notification/message was clearer and more detailed.

I had this problem for a while too until I just stumbled upon the setting in XCode. The setting is located in Build Settings -> Build Options. In there is a setting called "Enable Bitcode", and you can set it to yes or no. Also, remember that this setting is only in XCode 7, not in XCode 6.

i dont see the option to change this setting ("Enable Bitcode") in xcode 7 beta 6. is anyone else having this issue?

I had this issue, solved it selecting de "All" option instead of "Basic" at the top of the "Build Settings" screen.

I'm having the same error, and have been trying to solve it for 2 days now! Can't find anything!

I have tried turning this ON and OFF multiple times, and it does not work.

still having this problem in 2021

Try to open General->Frameworks, Libraries And Embedded Content, choose Pods_Proj_Name.framework and check Embed & Sign. It helped for me

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of Oks_ Down vote reply of Oks_

For me, If I try to run this on a simulator project builds and compiles fine but for devices, it shows this error. IDK what's causing this for physical devices!!