Do reviews stay after changing price?

Would the reviews on my app be removed if I changed the price on the App Store (Same app version)? I read on another thread that rankings and ratings would reset but what exactly does that mean? Is it that the stars in the tableview (that you get after 5 reviews) disappear or is it just that the app would appear further down in the list. Please help me out, it's my first paid app and I'd hate to do anything stupid.

It means that all the reviews on the Current Version tab would be moved to the All Versions tab on the App Store page, and the overall star rating would not be displayed until five reviews/ratings had been received. But I don't think that happens by simply changing the price, unless you change from free to paid or paid to free.

What? You don't really read the reviews, do you...

The current version tab for reviews gets reset when an update is released not when the price changes (far as a I know). Those reviews on the Current Version tab get moved over to the All Version tab when a new update comes out.

Reviews are not subject to much scrutiny, the customer has to really go off topic for a review to ever really be removed. Also there is no mechanism for developers to respond to the customer who left a review as mentioned by many of us in many threads...and there is no system in place for clearing out or requesting to clear out old obsolete reviews from the "All versions" tab when customers may have made legit complaints but those complaints were addressed in an update. This happened to me. I got a couple of negative reviews in 1.0 of a release, both basically complaining about the same missing feature. I added in this feature...the update came out a few days later. The customers never bothered to update their reviews. So the reviews get to just sit there I guess forever or until I remove the app from sale.

The review system can be very punishing to app developers, especially indy developers. I've seen devs who are lucky enough to get featured get bombarded with negative customer reviews early, but at least being featured they have a much better chance to recover with new reviews that App store spotligh gives them.

Do reviews stay after changing price?