How to open a project, if not .xcodeproj file, but there .pbxproj file?

Hello! I have a game from which I need to create the IPA file. But there is no file extension .xcodeproj, but there is a file with the extension .pbxproj. And I do not understand, how can I open a project with Xcode on Mac? I have a whole week trying to figure out! Help me please))

.pbxproj are Project Builder files Project Builder predates Xcode. Old versions of Xcode can open .pbxproj files, but I don't remember how old. The chances are that your project is very old and uses old APIs, it won't compile against a modern SDK.

You could either:

1. install successive ancient versions of Xcode until you find one that can open the project, or

2. ignore the project file and try to rebuild the project using just the sources and resources.

How to open a project, if not .xcodeproj file, but there .pbxproj file?