play system sound for UILocalNotification


I would like to know if it's possible to play one of the system sounds for a UILocalNoification?

For example I would like to do something like this: localNotification.soundName = "/Library/RingtonesApex.m4r"

But that doesn't work. Is there a solution for this? Because I don't want to import custom sounds if there are already useable sounds for notifications on the device.

Other than UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName, no, it isn't possible to access other system sounds outside the sandbox.

You can implement the following lines on didReceiveLocalNotification:

// default sound 1315 - on an iPhone, may also vibrate the device, depending on the user's settings

let systemSoundID: SystemSoundID = 1315

AudioServicesPlayAlertSound (systemSoundID)

Here you can find more of those sounds:

There’s two problems with this:

  • didReceiveLocalNotification
    only gets called if your app is running when the notification is delivered. It doesn’t help you when the app is suspended in the background.
  • These sound IDs are not public API.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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play system sound for UILocalNotification