Cannot Add Test card for Apple Pay Sandbox testing

I followed the instructions on the apple pay sandbox page (, but when I attempted to add any test card, I would get an error stating it could not add the card. No other details.

I am using a sandbox testing accould with the region set to United States. any suggestions?

Same issue here :(

I was finally able to add a card. My issue wasI had to add the iOS 10 beta. I added one card but now can't add a second.

I ran into a new issue though where the card is registered however my Apple Pay button won't show meaning

PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePaymentsUsingNetworks([PKPaymentNetworkVisa, PKPaymentNetworkMasterCard, PKPaymentNetworkAmex]) is returning false

I am also seeing the same issue.

Me too.

Has anyone managed to get this working in the final release of iOS 10? I am using 10.1 and I can't add a test card. My region is set to UK on the device and the sandbox tester is set to have a region of UK.

I contacted Apple support, but they haven't been much help.

Has anyone been able to find a solution ?

I'm stuck with the same issue. I have setup an iphone 6 with a sandbox account, set the country to the US so I can have Apple Pay settings showing up.

But when I try to add a card from it's not working. I've tried several ones, from each type. But no success...

Hi guys,

Same issue here (in Paris, France)

I even changed region and created a specific user but to no avail...

Anyways, I filed a report to Apple Pay Assistance.
I will let you know if anything happens 😉



Can someone file a radar on this? Have people been able to do so on the 10.2 builds?

I'd love to since the answers were not helpful at all.

So, no I havent been able to do so on my 10.2 build (14C92) with an iPhone 6S

So I'll try to file a bug this time


Here is what worked for me (to be on the safe side)

* Create a US based sandbox test user. Need an address ?

Try this one : 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996–1010 😉

* Switch your device region to US

* Add your card from the Wallet application DO NOT TRY FROM ICLOUD SETTINGS !!

And boom it works.

Looks like a big bug though. Card verificaton fails from Settings > iCloud > AppleID > Payment > Add Card

I'll file that one later


Thank you, it works for me.

I was missing to change the device region.

still no help...would be nice if apple replied with the solution!!!!!!!

3 years after and this is still happening, no clear instructions. With your method it did work! THANK YOU

Working on my computer and after going through tons of cards that are still getting to the final screen before being rejected (maybe you could help out apple?) I finally found one that works for AMEX. Successfully added to my wallet today by going through settings -> Wallet & ApplePay and adding it from there. Hope it works for you!

Expiration Date: 12/2024
CID: 1111

The solution to this problem is very easy.

You just need to use the wallet app instead of the iCloud Settings page.

Cannot Add Test card for Apple Pay Sandbox testing