Seagate external hard drive cant be read in macos sierra

Hi guys so I have 2 Seagate hard drives that works perfectly well, but when I upgraded my mac to macos sierra, it just suddenly wont read it. My mac is MacBook 2015

With the disk(s) connected, please share outputs from the following commands:

diskutil list

diskutil cs list

I am having the same trouble... they are now showing up as unreadable to the mac... I checked the drive on a pc and was able to get in there and look at the files and media.

/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *121.3 GB disk0

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh HD 120.5 GB disk0s2

3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3

/dev/disk1 (internal, virtual):


0: Macintosh HD +120.1 GB disk1

Logical Volume on disk0s2


Unlocked Encrypted

/dev/disk2 (external, physical):


0: FDisk_partition_scheme *2.0 TB disk2

1: Windows_NTFS Seagate Backup Plus ... 2.0 TB disk2s1

/dev/disk3 (internal, physical):


0: FDisk_partition_scheme *128.6 GB disk3

1: Windows_NTFS Backup 128.6 GB disk3s1


CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)


+-- Logical Volume Group 3A128844-8DD7-43C8-A4E7-31DB75A9F5FC


Name: Macintosh HD

Status: Online

Size: 120473067520 B (120.5 GB)

Free Space: 204800 B (204.8 KB)


+-< Physical Volume FC7B64A1-D7FF-4DEC-94F5-561475F5BF1E

| ----------------------------------------------------

| Index: 0

| Disk: disk0s2

| Status: Online

| Size: 120473067520 B (120.5 GB)


+-> Logical Volume Family 3D711441-C517-4C75-ADD2-44135E4861B7


Encryption Type: AES-XTS

Encryption Status: Unlocked

Conversion Status: Complete

High Level Queries: Fully Secure

| Passphrase Required

| Accepts New Users

| Has Visible Users

| Has Volume Key


+-> Logical Volume B3D214F9-25FD-4F99-8F42-89567FCBBAA7


Disk: disk1

Status: Online

Size (Total): 120120541184 B (120.1 GB)

Revertible: Yes (unlock and decryption required)

LV Name: Macintosh HD

Volume Name: Macintosh HD

Content Hint: Apple_HFS


Is /dev/disk3 (internal, physical) one of the two Seagate drives?

Same here. My Seagate 1TB is not mounting on MacOS Sierra. Tried it on mac running el Capitan and it works just fine. What should i do?

Hi ,

I had the same issue with Seagate 1TB HD, and I've just install this driver and it is now working perfectly.

iv had the same problem with 2 of my seagate drives they worked fine before i updated my OSX so whats the fault with sierra when it worked on the capitain perfectly fine ??

please help buddy....I cant do anything on my mac without my hdd..."Failure trying to mount volume" and mac has established my hdd as "dirty"....

i dont know what to do.

try this...I was having the same issue and it solved the problem.

The same problem, but I installed the program and now works fine. I feel bad that Apple do not consider this problem.

I am having the same problem with my Mac Book Pro-2015, I upgraded to Sierra and now I cant use my external Hard Drives, I have 2 of them , 1 is a Toshiba 2TB, and the other one is Touro 1 TB HDD,it wont read them is there a software program i can use to fix this problem?

I am getting the same problem now on mac OS Sierra,

I am having seagate 1TB external power hard drive with 2 partitions with following file system

1. OS X Journeled

2 . FAT32

Now suddenly only OSX Journled partiion is getting mounted and I could not see FAT3.

If I run the command "diskutil list" i can see both the volumes but in finder and diskutility only 1st partition is seen,

IS this the os problem? It occured just now.

thanks man sure seems to be working after i did this

I did this but all I get is a message telling me that the NTFS_for_mac/dmg is damaged & I need to trash it. So no joy here


Finally resolved! A week and a 1/2 later plus 2 so called computer repair shops.

this helped

Perfect. Thanks!

I did this. My drive shows up in the System Report, but not in the Finder, and Pargon NTSF for Mac, now in System Preferences, lists no drives.

Guys I got GoFlex Segate 2TB OSX Journaled

The error I get:

sudo fsck_hfs -r -d /dev/disk1s1

journal_replay(/dev/disk1s1) returned 16

** /dev/rdisk1s1

Using cacheBlockSize=32K cacheTotalBlock=98304 cacheSize=3145728K.

Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-305.10.1).

could not get volume block 2, err 16

could not get alternate volume header at 409598, err 16

volumeType is 0

0000: 00a0 bd01 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 |................|

0010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 |................|

. . .

01f0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 |................|

unknown volume type

primary MDB is at block 0 0x00

alternate MDB is at block 0 0x00

primary VHB is at block 0 0x00

alternate VHB is at block 0 0x00

sector size = 512 0x200

VolumeObject flags = 0x01

total sectors for volume = 409600 0x64000

total sectors for embedded volume = 0 0x00

CheckForClean - unknown volume type

Thanks in advance!!

Thank you very much .... this resolved the issue.

You could of damaged your drive. That happened to me on an upgrade from Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9.5) to macOS Sierra (10.12).

This driver only works with older versions of MacOS, not High Sierra.

Seagate external hard drive cant be read in macos sierra