How to create a PKCS12 compatible with iOS's Multipeer Connectivity with node-forge ?

I am trying to achieve **Multipeer Connectivity** communications security through clients authentication using **X509 certificate**.

To do so, I am generating the clients' certificates in my server using **node-forge**. First, the **X509** is created then it is transformed into a **PKCS12 base64 string** that is returned to the client.

That is basically the code I am using :

  var username = "client1"
    // Create key pair
  var pki = forge.pki;
  var keys = pki.rsa.generateKeyPair(2048);
  var cert = pki.createCertificate();
    // Creating the certificate
  cert.publicKey = keys.publicKey;
  cert.serialNumber = '01'; // TODO : generate random number and have a little custom algo to verify it !!
  cert.validity.notBefore = new Date();
  cert.validity.notAfter = new Date();
  cert.validity.notAfter.setTime(cert.validity.notBefore.getTime() + msWeek);
  var subject = [{
       name : "commonName",
       value : username
  }, {
       name : "organizationName",
       value : "My Company"
  }, {
       name : "organizationalUnitName",
  value : "MU"
  }, {
       name : "stateOrProvinceName",
       value : "Ile-de-France"
  }, {
       name : "countryName",
       value : "FR"
  }, {
       name : "localityName",
       value : "Paris"
  }, {
       name : "emailAddress",
       value : ""
  } ];
  var issuer = [{
       name : "commonName",
       value : "MPC App"
  }, {
       name : "organizationName",
       value : "My Company"
  }, {
       name : "organizationalUnitName",
       value : "MU"
  }, {
       name : "stateOrProvinceName",
       value : "Ile-de-France"
  }, {
       name : "countryName",
       value : "FR"
  }, {
       name : "localityName",
       value : "Paris"
  }, {
       name : "emailAddress",
       value : ""
  } ];
    // Extensions
       name: 'basicConstraints',
       cA : true
  } , {
       name : 'keyUsage',
       digitalSignature : true,
       keyCertSign : true,
       nonRepudiation : true,
       keyEncipherment : true,
       dataEncipherment : true
  }, {
       name : 'extKeyUsage',
       clientAuth : true,
       serverAuth : false,
       codeSigning : true,
       emailProtection : false,
       timeStamping : true
  }, {
       name : 'nsCertType',
       client : true,
       server : false,
       email : false,
       objsign : true,
       sslCA : false,
      emailCA : false,
       objCA : false
  var asn1Cert = pki.certificateToAsn1(cert);
    // Create PKCS#12 from the certificate and encode to base64 string
  var p12Asn1 = forge.pkcs12.toPkcs12Asn1(keys.privateKey , cert, "iPhone");
  var p12Der = forge.asn1.toDer(p12Asn1).getBytes();
  return forge.util.encode64(p12Der);

However, when I import it in my iOS application, runtime keeps crashing telling me it has failed to read the contents of the PKCS#12 (different error from the bad password error though) by returning **errSecDecode**.

I don't know which part of my code is causing this error even though I suspect the **extensions** to be at the origin of these issues, by the way I don't really know what suits best to my usecase (two clients authenticating themselves for each other in order to communicate with **MultiPeer Connectivity**).

I would also like to know if I am doing something wrong when I encode my **PKCS#12** to a **base64 string** ?

If it helps, here is the code I'm using to import the **PKCS#12** in the **iOS** side after recovering the base64 string from the server.

    private func generateIdentity (base64p12 : String, password : String?) {
        print("gen id")
        let p12KeyFileContent = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64p12, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions.IgnoreUnknownCharacters)
        if (p12KeyFileContent == nil) {
            NSLog("Cannot read PKCS12 data")
        let options = [String(kSecImportExportPassphrase):password ?? ""]
        var citems: CFArray? = nil
        let resultPKCS12Import = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&citems) { citemsPtr in
            SecPKCS12Import(p12KeyFileContent!, options, citemsPtr)
        if (resultPKCS12Import != errSecSuccess) {
            print("resultPKCS12Import :", resultPKCS12Import)
        let items = citems! as NSArray
        let myIdentityAndTrust = items.objectAtIndex(0) as! NSDictionary
        let identityKey = String(kSecImportItemIdentity)
        identity = myIdentityAndTrust[identityKey] as! SecIdentityRef
        hasCertificate = true
        print("cert cre", identity)

Thank you in advance

I would also like to know if I am doing something wrong when I encode my PKCS#12 to a base64 string ?

Your concern here is valid.

definitely wants the DER-encoded PKCS#12, so you need to strip the Base64 encoding before you pass it in to that routine.

First things first, try importing the PKCS#12 into the keychain on the Mac. If that fails, there’s something wonky with the PKCS#12 itself. OTOH, if that works and iOS fails to import the same PKCS#12, we need to look at iOS-specific causes (your code, or maybe an iOS-specific PKCS#12 restriction).

IMPORTANT To do the above, decode the Base64 data back to DER and then give the file the


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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Maybe I can skip the part (in my JavaScript code) where I encode to a base64 string and instead return a sequence of bytes.

Wouldn't it work if I just take the DER bytes output of my server to build a NSData of the certificate like so :

let p12KeyFileContents = NSData(contentsOfURL : url)

If not, what's the easiest way to store this file on the iPhone ?

I tried to open the raw bytes PKCS#12 created but it throws a security error with Keychain Access. Are the certificates required to be created on a Apple device for them to be opened in Keychain Access and/or with the Security Framework ?

edit : When trying to decode the raw bytes certificate output of my server with openssl :

openssl pkcs12 -in one.p12 -passin pass:"iPhone" -out one.pem

I get the following output :

3074332872:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:header too long:asn1_lib.c:150:

Thus, I think node-forge is not doing its job properly. But I still don't know why.

I have found the source of the issue.

iOS apparently requires a TripleDES encryption algorithm. So I was able to fix my code by doing

var p12Asn1 = forge.pkcs12.toPkcs12Asn1(asn1Cert.privateKey , [asn1Cert.rawCert], "iPhone", {algorithm : '3des'});

Anyway, thank you for your valuable help 🙂

How to create a PKCS12 compatible with iOS's Multipeer Connectivity with node-forge ?