Paysheet broken after update to beta 4

I have updated to iOS beta 4 and the Apply pay sheet seems to be broken.

I get following error when I tap on the Applepay button in safari console on line where we call the begin function.


There is already has an active payment session.

InvalidAccessError (DOM Exception 15): The object does not support the operation or argument.

Testing in iPhone 6 on Safari 10.


A few weeks ago even the paybutton was causing browser crash. Now, I am having same problem, no pay sheet. I wonder if developers are really suppose to be working on our projects afor apple pay yet??

still working fine for me here. iOS10-b4 with both normal and sandbox iCloud accounts on iPhone 6 and 6s

What's in your payment request object? I've found that if I add anything but the basics e.g. requiredShippingContactFields it causes issues.

This is working ok for me:-

var paymentRequest = {
    currencyCode: 'GBP',
    countryCode: 'GB',
    lineItems: [{label: 'line 1', amount: '15'}, {label: 'line2', amount: '6'}],
    total: {
   label: '**TEST**',
   amount: '21'
    supportedNetworks: ['amex', 'masterCard', 'visa' ],
    merchantCapabilities: [ 'supports3DS', 'supportsEMV', 'supportsCredit', 'supportsDebit' ]

  var session = new ApplePaySession(1, paymentRequest);