logitech unify software not detecing mouse with 10.11

Using 10.11 and Logitech's Unify sofware (v3.9.2) and trying to detect my wireless mouse.

When tring to pair the devices, the pairing process times out and displays trouble shooting screen. Is it that the Unfiy software just does not work with 10.11?

Accepted Reply

With the beta 2 release of El Capitan, the Logitech unify software began working again and the mouse was able to pair with the mac. No chnages in the Logitech side of things, seems it was 'fixed' by beta 2.


Logitech does have brilliant hardware engineers. However their software "engineers" are not very bright.

I have used their hardware in OS X since it arrived. The story is always the same:

Major updates cause their software to cease functioning as designed. I will also add that it takes them months to update the software to restore full functionality to the device(s) you may be using.

This is not an attempt to be helpful, just stating a fact that is never going to change. They appear to not take advantage of Apples Beta periods to work on their drivers. They wait until a release version to BEGIN working on new drivers.

With the beta 2 release of El Capitan, the Logitech unify software began working again and the mouse was able to pair with the mac. No chnages in the Logitech side of things, seems it was 'fixed' by beta 2.

I've got this issue after installing the El Capitan. Today it's been Developer Beta 4, and it still exists. My mouse is Mx Master, and I use the latest Logitech Options.

Virtual Box can't find usb device either, no matter 1.1 2.0 or 3.0

Beta 4 broke the application again.

I had to manually remove all references to Logitech from my system and reinstall.

Working again... Very frustrating!

Same problems here, only I was lucky and wasn't hit by it until this last beta update (10.11 Beta 5 (15A235d)).

Sometimes re-installing the unifying software will get things going, sometimes, even afte several re-installs and reboots it doesn't and I just have to wait. Most frustrating. I can't track down anything in the logs/etc that are particularly helpful.

The funny thing is that my M570 trackball is affected, but the K750 keyboard has worked without a problem the whole time.

Still very strange under B6 (15A244d), but then I am starting to suspect it might be hardware related because I moved the receiver to a different computer and it wouldn't work there reliably either, so I thought I should come back and update so that others can check, it may not be an entirely software-based problem.