Unusually long "waiting for review" time?

Has anyone else been experiencing unusually long app submission review times?

We submitted our app for review almost a week ago (6 days) and the status is still "waiting for review". It's never taken this long before. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing unusally long wait times due to their review team being backed up, or if something unusual is up with our app...

We've been waiting for 14 days. Looks like still have days to go...?

Did you able to solve it? My app is also waiting for 2 months!!

After all I had been waiting for about 15 days. And then app has been approved after 1 day. Seems like apple has random time to approve apps. And may be time is decreasing after several updates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I have been in «waiting for review» status for 2 weeks now. It is my first app ever submitted, so I am a little disappointed that it takes so long.

i have the same problem and contacting the support is not helping...

So apple approved your expedited review, you still waited for 3 weeks?


dich vu giup viec nha uy tín giúp việc nhà tận tâm giup viec gia dinh giá ré


i have submit my app and now in review for 7 days

and i have another app waitng for review for 18 days

and another for 20 days waitng for review

so what can you advice me to do now ?

Anyone get positive or negative result after waiting 2-3 weeks or more?

Please share here so that we need to plan our future.

do you get any thing ?

same problem is with my account. I submitted 3 games and they are still in review for last 3 weeks.

if you see my msg just reply me back the solution that what can we do on this problem.

if you get any solution on this problem then please inform me

Nothing, when people get result, they forget and continue as normal life.

We are just still waiting without any information.

The status changed a few months ago from "Waiting for review" into "In review". Right now it's already 60 days and there is no update

1 have 3 apps stuck in "In review" 60 days, 30 days 10 days.

Does the review time increases expotentially based on number of apps we have in our account? we have around 20 apps.

I would definitely self-reject and resubmit after 30 or 60 days. 10 days is not an unreasonable wait time.

Unusually long "waiting for review" time?